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Anyone else taking Clomid for the first time?

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Hi Everyone. I am on cycle day 23 today and I believe I am 4 days past ovulation (though my OPKs have said I am ovulating every day for the last 4 days).
This is my first cycle taking Clomid (days 5 - 9) as my Dr. says I have very mild PCOS. I read on here so many other things that girls taking Clomid are doing but I was given the pills and told to take it every day from 5 -9 and start BDing every day 9 - 16. Because my OPKs didn't show a positive, my hubby and I kept BDing every day until yesterday when I finally decided that we both really needed a break!
I feel like I have done everything I can this month - Clomid, Robitussin, Preseed, tried 13 days in a row and Instead cup. I really hope everything works.
If any one has any Clomid tips, suggestions, knowledge, and especially success stories, I would love to hear them!!

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286 Replies • 13 years ago



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Hi Ladies,

Sorry I have been away all weekend and wasn't by a computer.

Aisha - my period was heavier than ever this cycle as well. I assumed it was because of the clomid.

Victoria - I'm not sure about the monitor. Today is CD18 and it still says high fertility but no O yet. It has said high since CD 7 so??? I am also using OPKs this month too. Yesterdays looks like maybe today I will get a positive for that? THe line is getting pretty dark. Last month I O'd CD19 so we will see tomorrow. I hope the monitor registers the O too so that I know it works. You were going to buy a monitor right? Did you go get one?

Moo - Good luck Bding! As I am on CD18 we are BDing lots right now too. It has been every other day since CD 12, but I am thinking we should ramp it up to every day for the next 3 days as I expect to ovulate tomorrow. What are your thoughts?

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13 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!!!!

Margaret- I bet you will O tomorrow, cd19 like last time. I'm guessing that will be your clomid O day! So make sure you tonight!!!

Mooelanie- I'm kinda curious about the IUI so I hope you don't mind if I ask something personal.... When do they collect the "specimen" from your DH? Do they take it that day or do they collect some over time to get a big load?

Well good luck to both of you ladies!

I'm still waiting for my vitex to arrive. I really hope I can O with that!!!

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13 years ago

Hi Ladies!

Aisha - Haha! I laughed at your question about the "load" of semen.....Too funny!

Margaret - I was considering buying a monitor but decided against it. I had a doctor's appointment today to follow up from my ultrasound 2 weeks ago and the doctor said to take no medications or anything for at least 1 cycle to see if the cysts go away. She also said its ok to keep trying but since the cysts were about an INCH in diameter each, they need to monitor them closely. I'm going to BBT this cycle but might might not even "try" this month. We'll see....

Lindsey - I think you have to take the progesterone after O as it can be used to prevent ovulation and you don't want that. I think you typically start taking it like 3 DPO but definitely check with your doc!

13 years ago

Good Morning Ladies,

Victoria - that is totally understandable. Sounds like getting rid of the cysts is number 1 right now. I hope they go away this cycle. Where are you in your cycle?

Aisha - You are too funny. Hahaha. Good question though.

Lindsey - is projesterone prescribed by your Dr. or do you buy it at the pharmacy. My Dr. hasn't mentioned it....

So just wanted to let you all know that the CBFM worked for me even though I am on Clomid. I got a positive with it this morning at CD19 which is right in line with my OPKs. I am so pleased! We BD'd CD 12, 14, 16, 18 and will tonight and tomorrow. DO you think we should the next day too? I got the positive today which (with the CBFM) means I O 24 - 36 hours from now. So tonight for sure and the next night. Is there any need the following night?

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13 years ago • Post starter

Margaret- Glad the monitor worked! I would go ahead and BD tonight and for the next two nights as well since you may not O for another 36 hours and then the egg can live for 12 hours after that then there is a 48 window and the more spermies the better!!!!!

I may get a monitor for next cycle. This cycle I'm more concerned to see if I will o at all since I never have before without the clomid. I'm doing temps and opks, but I'm not stressing about when to BD this cycle (if I've said all this before I'm sorry, I can't remember who I've told this to and who I haven't- God help me when I get pregnancy brain!). I just want to learn my pattern and see if the vitex will work. I'm suppose to get it today as well as my cheapo opks (since I have no idea when I may O I bought cheapies instead of the digitals like last time).

I'm on CD 7 today and it's the first day off my period. Should I go ahead and start the OPKs today? I have 20 of them....

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13 years ago

Hey girls!

I don't know about the progesterone. I haven't ever taken it. I thought about asking my dr about it but I don't know if it would help. I believe it was mooelanie that was asking about it. :)

We started BDing Sunday, which was CD11. We are going to try every other day this month to make sure his little swimmers have time to recoup. I hope it works! I think BDing everyday would be too much stress on the both of us. Will the clomid help to make you O on the same CD every month?

Where can you get the preseed at? I have also been dry with the clomid. Is the preseed better to use than other lubricants? I also have been having a cramping/pain on my left side near my ovary. It is not a sharp pain nor does it hurt. It kind of throbs sometimes. I believe I will O from the left side. Has anyone else felt this while on clomid?


13 years ago

I ordered the preseed from this site

Preseed is supposed to be better because other lubricants can damage sperm! I found that I didn't need a whole applicator full so I still have a lot left over for this cycle. They say not to reuse the applicators but if you wash them well it's fine. I mean really, you reuse you dh's "love stick" all the time so reusing applicators shouldn't be a problem

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13 years ago

Thanks Aisha! I think I will invest in some! I think the applicators would be fine to reuse. I think they have to say that to make that money. Haha

13 years ago

Haha! Yep I reuse the applicators as well. I also got my Preseed at the same place.

Sorry Lindsey - I got confused. Silly me!

Clomid did make me dry as well and that is why I got preseed but I also don't use the whole amount each time. It is just too much for me!

Aisha - thanks for the advice on BDing. I think we will do that - if my hubby can handle 4 nights in a row. He should be fine since it was something stupid like 14 nights in a row last month! I hope the Vitex works for you. I am curious to see if you still O without CLomid. I sure hope so!! Keep me updated. I would maybe hold off on the OPKs till day 10. Day 7 is REALLY early. Your choice though. Did you order them from early pregnancy tests too? That is where mine are from. I also just ordered instead cups from them. I wont have them in time for this cycle, but I will for next if need be. Hopfully not!

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13 years ago • Post starter

CD 7 for me today too! We are cycle twins Aisha! I agree with Margaret that you should wait until at least CD 10 to start using the OPKs. Highly unlikely that you would ovulate before then.

Yes, Lindsey I have that kind of pain last month and it turned out I have 2 large cysts. That's why I'm off clomid this month! We'll see how long my luteal phase is now.... However, I know that pain doesn't always mean you have a cyst....just monitor the pain and let the doctor know if it persists.

YAY that your monitor worked Margaret! Have fun Bding! You are in the home stretch for the month!

13 years ago

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