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Late February/ Early March 2017 Babies?

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Just looking for other ladies due around the same time to experience this adventure with.

I'm a dietitian/nutritionist who helps keep other's babies healthy. Pregnant with my first after TTC 3 years (found out 6/23/16) + Endometriosis. In my 30's.

129 Replies • 8 years ago



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Congrats on your baby girl Smalls!!! How exciting! Y'all are making me so eager to find out what we are having!

I will be 10w tomorrow. Been MIA a few days because I've been feeling horrible. Actually woke up this morning feeling pretty normal- no nausea like usual! Do still have the tender breasts big time. I'm worried about the MS disappearing today and afraid it means something is wrong. :( I'm trying to remain calm and remember that it could be just an easy day or that I may be lucky and it could be dissipating. I have my next appt in another week and a half and I will be so glad when it's here to ease my mind! I start back to school Wednesday and time will probably fly after that.

Glad all is going well with you two!!

7 years ago

Congrats on having a baby girl Smalls! And You too Sezzy with your boy!

I've been busy with work lately and the fatigue had been killing me that at the end of the work day I just crawl right into the bed. Eating has not been great for me because it gives me all sorts of crappy feeling. I'm hoping that today is marker for things getting better because I didn't feel all of those things I usually do.

We had the Nuchal Trans ultrasound yesterday. Everything looks normal says the OB. We got to see the bouncing baby inside me. Man, this one is very active. No wonder I'm tired all the time. We're waiting for the blood work results to confirm then we will be doing our official announcement.

I'm also thinking of doing the Harmony NIPT too for the gender. I just can't wait to!

How's everybody doing?

7 years ago

Thanks everyone! I'm 12 weeks 3 days. Can't wait for the scan on Wednesday then I'm telling everyone!

I have unfortunately come down with a cold and it has turned my nausea up to 100. Daily vomiting has left me with a weird broken capillary rash thing on my face. Thanks god my ob gave me a prescription for anti nausea medication otherwise I would probably be vomiting all day and all night.

Stay healthy guys! Stay away from people with colds because this is no fun!

7 years ago

OMG, you and me Smalls! I picked up my husband's cold from last week and right now suffering through it! Not fun at all....

7 years ago

Hi Ladies,

I am sorry to hear you are feeling poorly

The sickness does pass, I haven't been or felt sick now for 4 weeks but when I was going through it, I thought it would never end!

Decorating our new house is a challenge, I painted in the closet doors and it gave me really bad backache after But that night, I felt the baby kick for the first time It wasn't very strong but my partner felt it too, such a magical moment for us.

I have roughly 10 days until I am at the half way point and I get, what will be, my 4th scan this pregnancy.

How you all doing?

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7 years ago

Oh wow sezzy, how exciting to feel the first kick!

Hope you start feeling better soon Winter! I'm finally feeling a little better today thankfully. I saw the OB today and she said that pregnancy lowers your immunity so you're more likely to get sick.

I have a quick ultrasound at her office today. Baby was wriggling around- so funny and strange to see given I can't feel anything.

For those who have had the 12 weeks scan, was it an internal or external scan? My OB said mine is likely to be internal as my uterus is tilted. I haven't had wonderful experiences of internals so not thrilled about this tbh.

7 years ago

I had an internal at 8 weeks which was really uncomfortable and made me feel sick lol.
But at 12 weeks I had an external and all have been external since.


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7 years ago

How fun to be decorating a new home Sezzy! And the baby's kick...that's amazing! But not fun to be doing so much work when pregnant. I can't wait when to be at the midpoint and feel better so I can start working on at least the nursery.

Smalls, I have had mostly internal scans since the first few ones were done in the early part of my pregnancy. Didn't have much issue with them. I think I've had 3 internal scans before my 11 week NT scan that was done external last week. Like you the baby was bouncing and kicking a lot also kept touching the face. I think my baby thinks my uterus is a bouncy house! LOL

As for me, I had to stay home today because my headache is killing me and I can barely breathe from this stuffiness. It's horrible! I go back to my OB tomorrow for my 12 week first trimester bloodwork and check up. I did the Harmony blood work yesterday so I'm excited to see the results next week. But man, I just want this cold and headache to leave me...

7 years ago

10w4d now and majorly struggling :( I started back teaching today and I have been feeling so exhausted, emotional, overwhelmed, and my back ache is killing me. Trying to hold it together for me and baby but I can see that it's going to be so hard to get back into the groove with the school year! I have my next appointment next Thursday so at least I have something to look forward to.

7 years ago

10w4d now and majorly struggling :( I started back teaching today and I have been feeling so exhausted, emotional, overwhelmed, and my back ache is killing me. Trying to hold it together for me and baby but I can see that it's going to be so hard to get back into the groove with the school year! I have my next appointment next Thursday so at least I have something to look forward to.

7 years ago

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