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April IUI/IVF 2014

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Anyone trying for IUI or IVF in April 2014?

344 Replies • 10 years ago



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Yes, we're unexplained. We have no idea why anything worked or didn't work. I have a slightly short luteal phase, but other than that I ovulate like clockwork. My husband is a sperm producing machine. When we do IVF, our embryos always look amazing - zero fragmentation, good growth. It's a mystery - it would be so much easier to have some sort of diagnosis that either is or is not fixable so that we wouldn't have spent so much time basically breaking our hearts and spinning our wheels.

Me: 45, unexplained (but now ancient) Husband: 46 (perfect in every way) Married 21 years 1 daughter born 07/2011 after TTC for 12 years

10 years ago

Unexplained is so frustrating! I've always been one to believe I can solve any problem or achieve anything if I work hard enough at it and to not even be able to figure out what the problem is drives me totally insane!

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10 years ago

Totally agree... unexplained just BLOWS!! We are too...
I'm feeling like I'm going to get AF any day by the way... feeling some AF type twinges

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10 years ago

Hi Ladies, I am 2dpiui today. It is our first IUI and first on Fermera. I have done 8 cycles of Clomid throughout about a year and half. Finally seeing an RE. She isnâ??t every hopeful about the IUI bc I have done so many cycles of clomid with no success. We had one BPF back in march of '13 and on April 12, 2013 we found out it was an EP. Coming up on that date and Iâ??m starting to feel it. We were on a break when we conceived. RE's recommendation was to go straight to IVF. But I feel very uncomfortable with that due to the fact that we are 27-me and 28-DH, with nothing wrong (unexplained) and been trying for only about 2 1/2 years. BC iknow after all this 2 1/2 years isnt the end of the world in the big picture. I will feel more likely to approach IVF when Iâ??m closer to 30. But we thought we would try 3 rounds of IUI before we go on a long break and wait for the big dirty thirty or conceived beforehand. Started progesterone last night. not the first time so the discharge is nothing new but annoying.

Nice to meet all of you and tons of baby dust to you all!!

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10 years ago

Anyone know if a trial IVF transfer is painful? They said no but I don't believe them!

 IAmPregnant Ticker

10 years ago

Hey ladies. Been insane at work. Progesterone came back today and it is VERY low. 5.3. However my hgc level was elevated. So he put me on prometrium 100mg for 14 days. He said I will either start my period or I am pregnant. Sooo I am totally lost.

10 years ago

Stevi, I'm 2dpiui too! My experience with this infertility stuff has been to not try to plan ahead too much and just go with how you feel. I started out writing off IUI, IVF and adoption. And now I'm considering all of these! Certainly sounds reasonable to wait to 30 though for IVF - you have the time.

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10 years ago

Northern- Nice, we are cycle buddies :) I'm starting to figure that out with not planning to far ahead. I'm starting to do thoughs things that i said i wouldnt do until we had a baby. Like i just got braces 2 weeks ago.....eeekkk at 27, oh well. I have to stop this constant feeling of waiting and just do!

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10 years ago

Pabbey- I don't know about a trial transfer, but my actual ivf transfer wasn't any more different than my normal iui. It was just a little longer to have the speculum inside while they did an ultrasound and then confirmed embryos, placed catheter inside, placed us "wand" and guided embryos to best lining location. Then I just laid there for 30 min :)

Stevi- welcome to the group and good luck with your iui :) I am on your same schedule but just did ivf, my pg test is scheduled for 4/21.

10 years ago

Anyone have a take on if my progesterone is low but y my hgc is elevated? Why and have they have me taking promethium?

10 years ago

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