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Women in late 20's to mid 30's TTC#1 for 6mos or less

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Hi All,

I'm trying to find some women in the same situation as myself - I'm 33 years old and TTC#1 since September 2013. Although I feel like I'm just getting the hang of timing my ovulation and paying attention to my body's symptoms and what they could possibly mean. This last cycle I really thought I was pregnant, and then the "witch" ended up showing up a little later than usual and it threw me off and I got sad, but now I'm just going to try to relax and have some fun with the whole baby making process and try to find some women in the same shoes as myself. So, if you are and you would like to share comments or have questions - please do!

I look forward to finding some cycle buddies!


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135 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by likes)

101 - 110 of 135 Replies | Last Page

Brandi Have you taken any tests? How are you doing? Hope the doesn't show her ugly face! for you!

leigh Are you usually regular with your cycles? How many days are they usually? I'm 33y/o and my cycles are usually 28 days and I usually ovulate between CD12-CD14. My DH & I have also been trying since Sept. 2013, wondering if I should send him to a urologist?! I could also have endometriosis, but there's no way to tell for sure unless I get a laproscopy done, and I don't want to do that if I don't have to. How did your hubby's appt go???

AFM I'm currently CD3 so I'm just waiting for AF to stop then I plan to BD every other day til I get my (+) OPK then will plan to BD three days in a row. I'm hoping that will work!! So sick of waiting for my BFP, I know it's only been 4 cycles, but it feels like it's been FOREVER, and my DH and I are just so ready to be parents! Also, I'm afraid as I get older it's just going to get harder and harder for me, and I'd like to have at least 2 children, god willing.

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10 years ago • Post starter

Hey GB, I've taken a total of 4 HPT and all negative. This is day 7 and still no AF. Blood test scheduled for next Thursday.

Your BD schedule seems flawless. According to my little research chances start to diminish drastically at 34 & older. I just turned 30 and I want at least two kids too. But I doubt I pop out two in four years! FX'd for us all.

10 years ago

GB- I'm sorry the witch got you :( good luck this coming cycle!!

I'm currently 2DPO I believe. I got my peak reading on the digital OPK on the 15- thought maybe I would ovulate yesterday, but yesterday my boobs started getting sore. So that's usually my first tell tale sign I O'ed. Today they are even worse. Now the dreaded 2 ww!! Wish me luck!

10 years ago

JPM - The TWW is the WORST! Happy thoughts!! I hope you get your !

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10 years ago • Post starter

4 days into the 2ww and feel like i'm losing my mind! I've wanted this baby since last January (we didn't start TTC till October) but i'm really impatient LOL. I turn 28 next month and i'm hoping to get my bfp before by b day or i'll be all depressed on it. Hoping and praying for my bfp.
Also, I'm sorry but I just realized that this group is for TTC #1 I have 2 children, but this is our first trying since DH got his vasectomy reversal. If this bothers anyone I guess I can find another group. Good luck and prayers for y'all!

Wife of Vetran:27 DD: 3 & DD: 19mos

10 years ago

Hi Everyone, sorry I have been MIA. Unfortunately this month has turned into chemical pregnancy. Didn't feel up to talking about it until today. Chin up and carry on though!

10 years ago

Teffidy: just saw your post. I'm so sorry for your loss. Did a doc confirm it as chemical? Just wondering because I had 2 bfp's last month and then the witch came late!

Wife of Vetran:27 DD: 3 & DD: 19mos

10 years ago

Teffidy - I'm so sorry to hear that! How far along were you? How/why do chemical pregnancy's happen?

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10 years ago • Post starter

Hi everyone, just an update, AF came yesterday . More mad than sad, not sure if I calculated ovulation correctly. Praying for us all.

10 years ago

Hi, I was about 5 weeks. Spoke to the midwife and she said it sounded like one. Apparently its very common and they don't know why it happens, it just doesn't take. We are going to try again this cycle. I recommend using OPK tests, that's what we used last cycle and I got my first BFP in 6 months. Going to try that again this month. Not sure if my cycles will get a bit mixed up, but at least I can see if I ovulate this cycle or not. FX for October babies for us all! xx

10 years ago

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