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October Testers Part 2!

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New thread required! Come on in girls :)

AFM CD 15 waiting to O!

503 Replies • 10 years ago



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101 - 110 of 503 Replies | Last Page

@1stTTC: I sure hope she steals Daddy's heart! I am impressed you are waiting so long. I'd call right at 12 noon since I am so impatient. lol. I say start taking OPKs when you feel like it! Taking opks won't hurt anything (except your wallet) so do whatever makes you comfortable. I didn't start AF for 6 weeks after my mmc so I guess I Od ~4 weeks after my D&C. I am hoping you go rigth back to normal this cycle. Fingers crossed!!

@lawbride: So sorry to hear about your insomnia! That is awful - I couldn't imagine!! Have you asked your doctor for a sleep aid? Or maybe try half a benadryl at night, they are safe during ttc and pregnancy. I love a night at home with Netflix and the dh! Sounds great! Good luck at the hsg!!

@cam: Yay for O!!! And for bding perfectly!

@Holly: That bites that the eod plan wasn't working for you the previous cycles :( Hopefully you DO get pg this cycle and won't have to worry about whether or not to bd for fun anymore! Lol!

@3lil: I am glad the doctors are taking such good care of you! 2 days!! Ahh!! I can't wait to see your beautiful baby! Outside of the womb!! hehe!

AFM: proud of myself for keeping up so far today :)

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10 years ago

@Dobbs: Hey!!!

@JLHart: Yay for lots of EWCM and for keeping the fertile period quiet from dh. My poor dh dreaded the fertile period because it was more work than fun... Go get him girl!

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10 years ago

Dobbs: All I could think about yesterday was a big old turkey leg, mashed potatoes and stuffing. Was going to have you fed ex me some yesterday. Today I am thinking about pizza and chinese food. Unfortunately, it is not even 9 am yet LOL

12/08 + 1/10 + 07/11, Had to do a lot of for baby #4. Yuck!!!! User Image

10 years ago

@3lil: I don't even like dark meat turkey and you have me salivating!! I would go for Chinese food right now too!! And we're in the same time zone! Lol! My morning meeting screwed me up today so I haven't eaten anything yet and I think I might die. I'll be at the jobsite in about 15 minutes though and I plan to get my chow on!

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10 years ago

@3lil: I don't even like dark meat turkey and you have me salivating!! I would go for Chinese food right now too!! And we're in the same time zone! Lol! My morning meeting screwed me up today so I haven't eaten anything yet and I think I might die. I'll be at the jobsite in about 15 minutes though and I plan to get my chow on!

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10 years ago

3lil and SMH you guys have me laughing, it was sooooo good!!!!! so good that i am going to cook one on YOUR thanksgiving!!! hells ya!!!

i had it 4 days in a row!!! ;)

law good luck!!!! hope all goes well today.

ok for the ladies who are still going to Ov ~ the RE told us to do it the day i triggered, the next day and then the day after that. so they wanted us to go 3 days in a row. we did the day i triggered and then the morning i ov'ed. next time we will make sure we get 3 times in!!! poor dh pulled his groin during soccer the week before so he was VERY sore, i was lucky to get it in twice!

good luck girls hoping October is your month and that November is mine ;)

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10 years ago

so to clarify i triggered on the friday night and am pretty sure i ov'ed on the Sunday morning...

when i told the RE about the 'timing' she said Friday was good.

so i missed saturday. that could have been a really good time. :S

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10 years ago

Well, it's over. It wasn't TOO PAINFUL but it was painful when they inserted the catheter. That part was sucky. It was bloody and painful. It wasn't crampy though when they inserted the dye. Anywho, all is normal so that's good! Now it's moving on to treatment from here.

3lil--that makes sense. I hope all goes smoothly with Ollie! Is the same doctor delivering him that you had last time?

JLHart--haha. feeling frisky. I'm sure DH will appreciate that!

CAm--glad your bases are covered! :)

SMH--how far along were you when you had the m/c?

10 years ago

law - sorry it was painful BUT - best outcome!!!!

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10 years ago

Law I am so happy to hear those results and that this means you can begin treatments. I am sorry that it was a bit painful.

10 years ago

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