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June 2014 Baby, Maybe?

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Here we go, again, Ladies!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

905 Replies • 10 years ago



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CD1 for me today in my first full cycle off birth control. So thankful I have this forum to follow your journeys and symptoms, as I'm obviously new to all this.

10 years ago

Hey NashvilleTTC!! I am now starting my second cycle off birth control!! :)

10 years ago

Hey Girls!
Its official I am on the June Board. CD 1 today. EDD would be 6/13/14.

This is our "Evaluation Cycle" with the Fertility Doc. We saw them yesterday. I liked her very much. Since I started today I have blood work to be done on Monday CD 4, An Ultrasound on 9/16/13 CD 11 to see if any follicles have started to mature yet. They will follow my ovulation with Ultrasounds until ovulation is complete or I don't spit the egg out. They think I might have PCOS. DH turned in his SA this morning. SA didn't come back well. Count was good, Volume was good, Motility was not good it should be 50% and his was only 12%. So they want him to redo it next week. They gave me the results so I am trying to figure out how to tell DH that he is part of the equation. Once the blood work and ultrasounds are completed they want to do a HSG. They are leaving no stone unturned! 1 Piece of the puzzle solved though so onward and upward from here!

Welcome Newbies!!

Wifey: We tried for 7 cycles before they decided we should see a specialist. I just knew there was something going on that wasn't right. I have long cycles and a short luteal phase 12-13 days which isn't bad but I just knew. I think if you pay attention to your body and listen to your gut then I think women just know. I was right in my case. They think I have PCOS and DH's SA came back on the bad side. Good Luck to you!

Nashville: We are Cycle Buddies!!

Anyone I missed sorry there was a lot to catch up on!

~Lacey~ DH-30, Me-27 DS-Jackson born 7/6/14-12 days early due to gestational hypertension. User Image

10 years ago

Lacey: sorry the witch came but I am happy that you grabbed the bull by the horns and you will get answers! And assistance. On the positive side you got to know so much of your body that certainly gives you leverage!
Here is to hoping you get that bfp soon!!!

Afm: I've been busy with my girls at the school, first week. Good to get my mind off of ttc. I'm Positive we will be blessed with our rainbow baby very soon. So, the stress part for me can be my worst enemy . We got pregnant in march do we should be able to do it again... I will use preseed for sure and started temping! So proud! I almost forgot but glad o finally started. I want to confirm I ovulated, that's my goal. Then, I will be able to make a decision to take clomid or just wait it out. Also not taking rrl tea as I had horrible cramps on cd1.
I promised myself to not obsess and just have faith!

And I have faith that each one of you will get our bfp! And I am so glad to be part of a group of women so supportive, strong, knowledgeable! I feel more in tune with my body and wiser by our experiences!

Thank you for everything!

Oh yes, and in advance thank you for keeping an eye on my bbt chart to help me determine if I ovulated or not! I should show signs of O by Monday 9/16. Usually get my opk + around cd10/11/12. Can't wait!


DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

Hey Laceyk616 --- We are cycle buddies too!!! CD 2 today :)

10 years ago

Hi ladies, cd2 for me. Iui last month was way off. Ovulation was much later and opks had positives twice. I think it was due to my early miscarriage the month before. Hoping to get back on track this month! Will be doing iui again. Good luck and baby dust to all.

10 years ago

Seems like there are a lot of us as cycle buddies as I too am cd1 today :)

Does anyone know much about maca root? From some basic research online, I have read that it can help improve fertility and libido, as well as overall well being, in both men and women. Wondering whether to add it to my DF's routine as his sex drive is lower than mine and if he is stressed, sex is the last thing on his mind. Thought maybe this will help if it does improve his libido as it wont seem like me having baby making sex on my mind all the time.... Sorry if tmi girls!!

10 years ago

GVMDL: Thanks!! I am hoping that we continue to get more answers. IUI might be our answer. We will see!! Good luck this cycle! I hope you get your BFP without the clomid!!

1stTTC: YAY!!!

MJ: sorry for your loss. How was the IUI? We might be headed down that road in the next few months.

Beautiful: Cycle Buddies!! !! Sorry I can't help you I don't know anything about it.

~Lacey~ DH-30, Me-27 DS-Jackson born 7/6/14-12 days early due to gestational hypertension. User Image

10 years ago

Wow lacey!! i love your fertility Dr. also

10 years ago

Thanks 1040 she is very proactive. DH's SA needs to be repeated because of very low motility, she still wants to proceed with all the testing for me as well to make sure all our bases are covered. Which also means an HSG in my near future (mixed feelings about it) I am feeling very optimistic and like a huge weight has been lifted putting the problem in someone else's hands!

~Lacey~ DH-30, Me-27 DS-Jackson born 7/6/14-12 days early due to gestational hypertension. User Image

10 years ago

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