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Over 40 ttc, I KNOW I'm not the ONLY one!

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I am 42, ttc and wondering if there are any other ladies out there wanting to share their journey. Doesn't -matter if it's your first or your 8th, would love to cycle with you! I am using opk, pre-seed, maca, and other vitamins. Have been told I have border line fsh and not much time! On cycle 2 ttc after a TR in March. Sent my bbt chart to Dr. and was told I was bd-ing too much! whoops! Will cut back this cycle. I am on cd2 and super excited for this round!

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397 Replies • 12 years ago



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Vivy-thank you so much, I really appreciate it :) I am in bed and been resting with my feet elevated. Just not having a good feeling about this, so I dunno. will keep y'all updated.

DH-43 Me-41 User Image

12 years ago

update: light spotting today....

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12 years ago • Post starter

12 years ago

awww, swimmom, so sorry, hang in there hun (((HUGS)))) I'm going through the same thing. Will keep u in my thoughts and prayers

DH-43 Me-41 User Image

12 years ago

Hi ladies,

I have been using this website/forum for therapy and support for many months now, but only tonight gained the courage to post. It's amazing how much I can relate to what so many of you have written, in fact could've wrote my bio :)

I'm 42 and my DH is 49 and we are TTC for #1. We've been together for 14 years (whew!) and married almost 4. We've been TTC for 2 years. Last May (2011) I miscarried, and sadly we've had no luck since. My health hx: I have always had nml cycles (29-31 days) and I've been using both spit and urine OPK. Aside from 2 cycles ago, test results were positive every month for past 22 months.

2 years ago I did the Clomid Challenge Test (CCT) and FSH was normal on Day 2 and 10. All other hormones were WNL. My DH sperm showed nml motility, morphology and exceedingly high count (they said this was not of issue). Last Feb I had labs run again (didn't do CCT) and once again everything was WNL.

Saw my PA 2 months ago and asked to have the CCT done again w/ the addition of the full abd/transvaginal US. Due to travel schedule, I finally was able to do the challenge/US this cycle.

Results of labs this time showed that my Prolactin was mildly elevated (started 8 days ago 0.25mg bromocriptine) but everything else was WNL and FSH on Days 3 and 11 were ideal. The US showed nml anatomy and 2 dominant follicles on both ovaries, w/ ideal ovarian follicle reserve. This was such wonderful news. The US tech was so sweet, she told me that the next time she saw me she expected to be monitoring my pregnancy :)

Apart of why I wanted to join this forum was to be in similar, supportive company, but I also wanted to hear about other who've done the CCT. 2 years ago, I had absolutely no sx w/ the CCT, but this time I have had severe bloating, gas, constipation, nausea, and HA. Additionally I had a noticeable increased libido. I am still experiencing both gas and bloating but everything else seems to have subsided.

BTW, didn't TTC the first time I did the CCT b/c of career changes, but this time w/ my "super" ovulation (+OPK Day 14) and career settled, we had intercourse Day 14, 15, 16. Intended to do it Day 13, 15 but had so much nausea on Day 13 I had to put off. Woke up Day 14 w/ dry heaves.

That's my very long story. Thank you for letting me share. I wish you all the best and look forward to more discussions over this forum. Warmly.

Myself 42 Hubby 49 -------------- TTC #1 since 02/2010 User Image

12 years ago

ceegee- yep you sure have been through alot, I will def, keep you in my thoughts and prayers for that BFP :O)

I guess that's why I kind of feel a bit guilty when I see ones like you just trying to have #1 when we have been blessed with 6 beautiful children. But since we had our lil guy a yr ago, we decided we wanted to have one more so he has a sibling close to his age since there is a 10 yr gap between him and his sissy. And the last 6 mths especially have been just one big emotional roller coaster ride. So going to take a break from all the supplements and different things, and put it in God's hands. hubby was pushing for me to get my tubes tied since we just lost this lil one, out of concern for my emotional well being, and health. But did get him to let up on that for a while and see what happens. I also am a bit overweight from not working out with being busy with the kids and the lil guy, and also have lupus which doesn't help any either. to date I have now had 3 MC, 1 still born 20wks, and 2 CP. It is def possible, wasn't even really trying the mth we conceived our lil guy and I was 40, I am now almost 42 and hubby is almost 44. That's the short version of our story.

The ladies here are very supportive and kind, love it here :)

DH-43 Me-41 User Image

12 years ago

full blown today, the heaviest i have had in a year!!!! I would like to say I was handling it well, but cried it all out.....sigh....

thanks for your prayers and kind words angel-Ill be praying for you too!

WElcome ceegee-wow you have been through alot! I am feeling a little guilty too......I have been blessed with 7 wonderful children! My current husband and I want one together. He is the man i wish i would have met when i was 19..... We both want one more baby so bad! I had my tubes tied back in 2001 when I was a single mom. Dumbest thing i ever did. I had a TR in March of this year, so this will be our 3rd cycle ttc. I just turned 43 and dh is 41.
This last cycle really hit me hard...trying to pick myself back up and go again...i'm not sure i want to chart, opk, and supplement this time. I may take a break....

Praying for you all! xoxoxoxo

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12 years ago • Post starter

oh swimmom, I am so sorry to hear that. I know what you mean, you have to let yourself grieve, and cry if you need to. Just when i think there can't possibly be anymore tears they come a flowing. Hubby wanted me to get my tubes tied after this loss, but I did so far managed to talk him out of it, and just take a break from everything. I think I'm going to keep charting and using my monitor, but no supplements or anything other than my prenatals, which are good for me anyways. Im just not ready to give up completely and get my tubes tied, I have had family trying to push me into it and everything. But until I know I am 100% ready, I just can't do it. many hugs and prayers coming your way swimmom.

DH-43 Me-41 User Image

12 years ago


So sorry to hear that. Like so many of us on this thread, I can understand and my heart aches for you...may you find comfort in knowing so many of us our thinking of you and sending you much positive energy.

Additionally, thanks to all for the nice welcome, I feel privileged to be a part of this group -- a truly amazing, strong, loving, kind, and supportive group of women.

Warmly :)

Myself 42 Hubby 49 -------------- TTC #1 since 02/2010 User Image

12 years ago

Swimmom, I can completely understand and sympathize with your feelings when rears her ugly head. Go ahead a cry if you need to, but please know your tears will not stay for long and things will get better. I attended church yesterday and the message was "I'm Blessed", and Bishop Walker went on to talk about how hard it is to watch someone getting their blessings and you're praying for yours to come to pass... (and this was my story), My brother has a baby due next month and my cousin in August and my co-worker just gave birth on Friday 6/1/12, so me watching everyone get this blessing was tearing me up.

But he said that in your season all your blessings will come so hang in there, because God hears all of our prayers and he knows why we shed each and every tear, and when it's our season we will receive our blessings. I'm praying for you and with you, because i know exactly how bad it feels.

And ladies dont feel guilty because you have a motherly instinct to be blessed with more children, WHEN we conceive our baby, (not if) this will be baby #9, for us total, he has 6, I have 2. We want a blessing together that we made, a blessing that will join our extremely blended family. and I want to make a baby with a man that loves me, i've never had that before, so dont feel guilty at all for wanting to birth a miracle...Cause I want to birth another baby girl miracle myself...

12 years ago

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