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CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!

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I have a 3 year old little girl. I had the mirena iud removed in November and my husband and I decided to wait until after the first of the year to start ttc. This is my second cycle ttc and today is cd 1 for me. Just joined today and could use buddies for the journey!

1122 Replies • 11 years ago



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Af showed up this morning.

10 years ago

Zuberi: sorry about AF. :o(

AFM: AF still hasn't arrived but I'm still feeling great so I'm thinking my body is just giving up, lol. Our ice melted but my car is at the shop getting new tires and a few other things so I have to wait for hubby to come home from work before I can go buy a test. I really don't have much hope that I would get a BFP. Somehow it is just nice to have the reassurance that my body is just wacked and not holding on to a faint hope that there is a possibility.

10 years ago

I think my body is out of wack as well

User Image Ds born 1/12/13 Dd born 1/6/15

10 years ago

Jay: are you still breastfeeding? My doc said that sometimes when you are nursing your prolactin level is too high to allow ovulation. Not sure if this applies, but just thought I would mention it.

10 years ago

Yes I am January 8th was my first postpartum menstruel. Tmi but I had a lot of clear sticky discharge before so I know I ovulated. But I guess my cycle is still irregular

User Image Ds born 1/12/13 Dd born 1/6/15

10 years ago

When I was breastfeeding, my body and cycles were pretty crazy. Devon was 5 months old when I got my cycle back but it was crazy and irregular. I didn't get pregnant until we had sex so much I didn't think we could do more. I'm not sure if I was even ovulating before that, but I also started taking maca and vitex the month I got my bfp. Who knows? It is just really hard to know what is happening when still breastfeeding, at least it was for me!

10 years ago

Yes my cycle came back couple days before my sons first birthday. Is mca and vitex a prescription or over the counter ?

User Image Ds born 1/12/13 Dd born 1/6/15

10 years ago

They're both easily available as supplements at most health stores. Maca is a root that comes from South America and Vitex is also known as chaste berry. They can help regulate hormones, but they make some people crazy and can cause horrible headaches. It seems like people that already have pretty regular cycles and systems see more problems. But you should do your own research so you know more.

10 years ago

Ok thanks

User Image Ds born 1/12/13 Dd born 1/6/15

10 years ago

I finally took a test this morning and it was a BFN, so now I'm just waiting to see if AF will arrive on her own.

Zuberi: how are you doing?

Jay: Anything yet?

10 years ago

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