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Late February/ Early March 2017 Babies?

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Just looking for other ladies due around the same time to experience this adventure with.

I'm a dietitian/nutritionist who helps keep other's babies healthy. Pregnant with my first after TTC 3 years (found out 6/23/16) + Endometriosis. In my 30's.

129 Replies • 8 years ago



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How's everyone doing?

7 years ago


Nearly made to 17 weeks, I can't believe how fast the second trimester is going.
Moving house next month so that will be a challenge with a growing bump.

How is your pregnancy treating you?

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7 years ago

Hi Ladies,

Have my ultrasound scan tomorrow to find out the sex of the baby.

I am so excited, will I be buying pink or blue?

<a href=""><img src="https://www.count

7 years ago

Ooh how exciting Sezzy!

I'm getting my harmony test results back either Monday or Tuesday... Actually feeling quite nervous about it. I have my next ultrasound in a week and a half and then I can finally spill the beans to everyone.

Nausea has been an allllll day event for the last few days. Bring on second trimester!!

7 years ago

Smalls, I hope the nausea hasn't been kicking your butt too much and the weekend has treated you well. Let me know how your test results went.

We found out that we are having a beautiful bouncing baby BOY We couldn't be happier.

I hope you are all well

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7 years ago

A boy! How exciting! Congratulations Sezzy! & can't wait to hear your results Smalls! Glad to hear everyone is doing well.

I am currently 9w2d and we have told our family and some close friends our news. I will go back in a couple weeks at 11w for another appointment but we won't get to have an ultrasound this time :(. However, when we go back in Sept appt we will finally find out the sex. I can't wait. I started out this pregnancy feeling as though it was a boy but now my gut says girl. Interested to see.

I have been feeling miserable every day until about noon when the nausea starts easing up. I ordered me some preggie pop drops but they haven't come in yet. I start back teaching next week and am dreading it seeing how sick and tired I have been the past week or so. Wish me luck! :(

7 years ago

Oh, and Sezzy- I too will soon be moving house- probably in next 3 weeks. We built a house and had hoped it would be done by the time school started back. Not gonna work out. So I will have the first trimester "fun" along with going back to work & moving on top of it! To say I'm nervous about it all would be an understatement!

7 years ago

Hi Ladies,

We starting moving house this weekend and the place is a state! I spent the whole day on Sunday cleaning the kitchen top to bottom and the back ache after was horrendous
We, at least, have part of the bedroom painted and moved the bed in so we have somewhere to sleep but it's really not easy with a bump.
Good Luck to you LAAR

We have also been receiving gift from everyone with baby blue on them, so sweet. I already feel like I have been pregnant for ages lol I am nearly half way, only about 21 weeks to go

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7 years ago

Yay sezzy, congrats on the boy!!

Got the Harmony test results back- I was so nervous I was shaking during the phone call! All came back as low risk (less than 1 in 10,000 chance) and we found out we're having a....


Bit surprised as I thought it was a boy. Just so happy that all the chromosomal disorders came back as low risk.

7 years ago

on your baby GIRL Smalls! How lovely!
I always knew that I was having a boy, since I found out I was pregnant Call it Mother's intuition.

Thats great about the test results, Mine came back the same too, It's just so nice to know that your little one is perfectly healthy

How many weeks are you now?

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7 years ago

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