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5DPO Today - Looking for Cycle Buddies!

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Hello!! My name is Rachel and this is our second month trying for baby #1! Looking for someone to share the process with, as none of my friends are TTC and, as I'm sure a lot of you know, this can be a lonely and frustrating process.

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157 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hi ladies... I'm totally confused... But I feel the need to be enlighten by what the sperm meets the egg plan?! I have a feeling it's not quite what I'm thinking?!

With that being said... I haven't tried Mucinex but I have heard About it.

Hope everyone has a Happy Memorial Day. I've gotten into making deco mesh wreaths for my front doors and now it seems like all family members want one. So I have a feeling my weekend will be uneventful.

8 years ago

I first learned about the plan on this site under the "intercourse timing calculator." It's basically this - you BD every other day starting at day 8 of your cycle. You start using OPK on day 10 of your cycle and continue to BD every other day until you get a positive. Once you get a positive, you BD for three days straight, skip a day, and then BD one more time. Fifteen days after your positive OPK, you POAS. If you never get a positive OPK, you BD every other day until your period or day 35 of your cycle. I think I got that right, lol.

My mom makes those wreaths too...they're a huge hit and I always have her make two - one for her and one for me haha!

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8 years ago • Post starter

OMG that is a lot of baby dancing!!! I'll have to tell my BF that we will be doing that next month with the IUI hopefully one or the other will stick!! :-)

8 years ago

Good morning!! How is everyone doing??

DH got back from his best friend's bachelor weekend last night so we haven't been able to BD like I wanted to with the "sperm meets egg" plan. Temps have been all over the place but I think it's because I haven't been sleeping/feeling well.

I used the ClearBlue Advanced OPK again this month and on Monday and Tuesday had "low" readings and then this morning a "peak." There were no "high" readings in between. Is this normal? Hoping I haven't missed my window.

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8 years ago • Post starter

I don't think so but hopefully you BD'd when he got home. And just for good measure last night too. Lol. Fingers crossed for you and

url=]User Image[/url] HOPING FOR A

8 years ago

So how is everyone's cycles going? My Clearblue advance digital opk showed 5 days of low
then yesterday was high, this morning .... Peak!

Got a surprise my stepdaughter decided to spend the weekend at her moms. We were expecting her sister to stay with us, so we were gonna have to sneak in our BD'ing. But with the kids at his ex wifes house hoping to really be able to take advantage of it (and him) LOL.

url=]User Image[/url] HOPING FOR A

8 years ago

Happy Monday everyone!

How was everyone's weekend? My best friend dropped her two dogs off on Tuesday and they finally left last night. With two dogs of my own, it was a full house for sure. Didn't get the best sleep either for the five nights they were there, so I'm already struggling this morning!

Feeling good about this cycle so the "peak" reading immediately following two "low" readings so I decided to continue with OPKs and got a positive reading on Saturday. We were able to get in lots of , so hopefully the timing is good and just need some now!

How is everyone else doing?

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8 years ago • Post starter

We too did get lots of in over the weekend. My opk gave me a peak reading Saturday morning, I didn't expect that til this morning based off of last month. It was a rather quiet weekend otherwise.

Started the week off on the right foot and got my butt back to the gym. My fiancee suggested me going before he left for work so that I don't feel guilty for leaving my brother at the house. And I still get what I want in the evening(family time). And it worked out great, except for the whole getting up at 4 in the morning. But like he said, I got the gym thing done.... After my brother eats his breakfast he goes back to his room and plays and listens to his radio.( He is special needs incase you were wondering.) So if I want to I could lay down for a nap.

Hopefully we caught those eggs Rachel!

url=]User Image[/url] HOPING FOR A

8 years ago

Ugh, Countdown changed my O date from CD16 to CD19...not sure why as FF still has it at CD16 and I had OPK+s on CD16 and CD17. Haven't BD'd since CD16 (my mom broke her shoulder and is staying with us now...have to find this new balance with her here). Praying I'm not out

How's everyone else doing?

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8 years ago • Post starter

. I had that last month, my doc said when in doubt of actual O time and the software is conflicting go by your OPK. So sorry to hear about your inability to BD. But it is very sweet of you to help your mom out while she recoups. Good luck, my temps have been higher than usual, and I have been cramping ever since O its only 7 more days til testing.

url=]User Image[/url] HOPING FOR A

8 years ago

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