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2dpo today, any buddies for this 2ww?

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just wanted to find some cycle buddies during the agonizing 2ww. the more the merrier!!!!!!

516 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hey Ladies,

Eskimozie- I totally agree with you. I'm trying not to let this get into my head but I'm getting so emotional. I want this so bad !!!

Welcome lightattheend I am so sorry for your losses. I think there are a few of us that totally knows what you are going through. It sucks. I hope we see some soon!

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

Storm714- only 50 hours left for you! !!

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8 years ago

Awwww thank you ladies means so much to me. And yes I've felt so depressed 2 days I just want to hide unde my bed. Those doing fertility treatment or fertility issues. Do I ever feel for you!!! I was TTC our daughter 3 years but 25 months really trying and when we found out I had fertility issues. We did everything I mean everything every drug treatment. Just b4 we were set the next month to do Ivf we got our sticky BFP. I know ladies it hurts so much I cried my self to sleep the last 25 months. And may sound mean but everyone was getting pregnant and I was angry not really at them just my body and I guess a bit envious. One cousin I have calls me no one really new we were TTC except God sons mom my best friend. So cousin calls and says " you know that guy I just met 3-4 weeks ago well I'm pregnant. I almost hit the roof. Then she says " I'm not ready" I'm like oh really???? She's like I'm going to have an abortion, can you drive me and pick me up. I exploded. But b4 I did she says " do you think it's bad this is my 4th abortion?" That's when I went off and told her how long I was TTC and its her choice but 4 never mind 1 but 4. Guess what she met a guy a year ago and is now 32 weeks pregnant with a boy and first try and is 39. Sorry that's my rant. And she wants me to go to her baby shower actually she's having 3 showers she owns her own company so the 15 girls that work for her are giving her one and then a huge one at a hall for family and friends and then one for just family. So I said I'm TTC she's like don't you think the last time was too stressful. Are you freaking kidding me. Some people don't know how lucky they truly are. sorry ladies if this upsets you I had to let it out it makes me so angery God bless her baby but she needs to get her head out of her ass.

8 years ago

I know! We've been ttc for over 3 years and my SIL had to "try" for 4 months and was upset about it. "But we got it on the first try with Alexa". ????

I'm so glad I have you ladies. After I posted last night I cried myself to sleep and I feel a little better today. I'm up early, gunna wear my "bad attitude" skirt and I know it will be a good day.

Hugs all around!

8 years ago

I am 9 dpo and I have been feeling sick (heaving a couple of times), I normally love sweet things but can't stand them at the mo, darker nipples, pinching in my tummy and just a general tummy ache. I just want to know!!!

I am trying to do uni work but just can't focus on it until I know either way!

8 years ago

Hey ladies

Light - I am sorry to hear about what you have been through - but I truly think we only get what we are meant to get and things that will mold us into the people we are meant to be. Congrats on your rainbow girl

Storm - honestly everyone's CM is different - mine doesn't follow ANY pattern its just all over the place LOL. and only 2 more wake ups till you POAS

eskimozie - I hear ya - its tough - but staying positive is what I push for - I have had a rough time at life - but when I met my DH 5 years ago my entire life changed - and then boom 2015 another BIG change - but I am where I am meant to be - My path is windy and confusing but its my path and the more upbeat I am about it the easier the steep hills and sharp right turns are to handle. I just say to myself - look at what I have compared to what I don't have. I am blessed with 3 children (2 gifted (step-kids) and my DD)) who am I to not be thankful for that? I want nothing more then to have a baby with my husband but I cant control the when. I just have to wait... (waiting sucks) Rock that skirt girl!!!!


So - 9DPO and still not a SINGLE symptom...... I am waiting to get the call that my sister is having my niece... She tried for almost 10 years and nothing. now is her rainbow baby .

Only 4 more days till I can test..... Oh heaven help me!!!!!

TTC #4 User Image

8 years ago

Hugs to everyone and baby dust all around .

Love this group of encouraging ladies.

AFM : still nothing to report . The only truly different is my cervix but we all know that crazy thing has a mind of its own . It's super duper closed and last month it never really closed after O.

8 years ago

I hope all of you have been well. I've had a stomach bug for the last couple of days- nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, the whole nine yards. So, all of the symptoms I thought were possibly indicating pregnancy were probably my pre-stomach virus symptoms all along. Hubby insisted on testing this morning (9dpo) and it was negative (used FRER). As you all have said, it'll happen when it's supposed to, but I was really looking forward to a Christmas baby! AF isn't due until the 11th, so I will wait until next week to test again if she doesn't show.
Welcome to the newcomers, and I can't wait to celebrate together when we all get our BFPs!

8 years ago

Well negative test today at 13dpo. Think I'm out but I'm ok. I'm planning with my donor for this next cycle and we'll see how it goes

8 years ago

Fruit loops tell that donor you want his best swimmers . I hope you wont need them and it's just a late implanter

8 years ago

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