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Where are you Aussie gals?

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Where are you all? I am hoping I am not the only one!!!
Here to share and support our ttc journey.
I am Queenslander who moved to NSW. Lol who does that?
Ttc num. 3 for a year now! I am 10 dpo waiting for the witch.Waving to you all.

687 Replies • 10 years ago



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Sam I could just imagine how frustrating it can be for you esp working in a day care center. Take it easy on yourself. Xo I hope they pass on the baby dust soon. Surely its our turn soon.

10 years ago • Post starter

Oh girls, you make me giggle !! Plenty of morons around here and seem to be only doig it for benefits ! Grr don't they know kids cost a lot more than what our government gives out !!

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

And yes !! Having to convert it so annoying

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

Ah yes we are perfect mothers to be/ waiting to be and stressing about the right things in life. Everything will be ok. Let the baby dance begin.. Gl girls. Catch you soon xx

10 years ago • Post starter

Sam it must be so frustrating to have to face all those parents everyday who have kids they didn't plan for or really want. I really don't think you have to have tried for very long to understand how devastating it is to want something that others take for granted. I hope this happens soon for you. :)

Keiralei that made me laugh! Maybe Moron-style could be the way to go! Btw, do you know if the fish oil is ok in tablet form? My hubby takes a multi-vitamin that has fish oil in it but I wonder if that's enough?

You're right Tracey, a lot of the morons have kids for the benefits, its sickening, especially because they often don't even spend the money on the kids.

Ok I've snapped out of my slump. There's no point in wallowing in self pity. Question for everyone... has anyone tried preseed, and do you know if its available in stores over here?

10 years ago

Yes so very true Jodi.
Ty i am trying to cheer up and being positive with our aussie spirit after the witch strikes us all again.
My husband was taking Herron natural fish oil 1000. They are massive tablets and i hate swallowing them they are around $10 and we have gotten a bit lazy with taking them so I am going to have to find smaller tablets for me. My youngest son also takes the liquid fish oil, he is very bright and smart. We also take folate tablets daily. It cant hurt taking vitamins and a friend on this site has a a husband with low sperm rate and it is helping with the sperm count if you take fish oil daily. I definately want to try preseed also ,but I havent looked around or found it yet. Please let me know if you do find it.Does anybody else have any advice?

10 years ago • Post starter

I've only ever seen pre-seed online and eBay. But a lot of ladies swear by it and say it was what helped them to conceive.
I'm also thinking of getting it to try and soft cups after the insemenation to keep it all near the crevice after it

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

Well had a shitty day at work then come home and read all
Of your post and now I feel better!! Had myself a good little chuckle so thanks ladies!
Happy BDing and goodluck!
My fingers are crossed for all of us

10 years ago

OMG crevice !! Serious auto correct fail there !!!
Should have read cervix !!!!!!!

Work can really suck sometimes Sam :( I couldn't imagine working with babies and kiddies all day and to not have your own :(

I feel this will be a lucky thread ! We're all very close in cycle it seems so I'm sure it's meant to be !!

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

Omg haha I didn't even pick up on the crevice auto correct...... My partner thinks I'm a complete tool laughing at my phone but it's worth it.

It's kinda scary how close our cycles are I was having a closer look today and were all only a matter of days!!

Hopefully were all announcing good news within days of each other!

10 years ago

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