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December Testers Support Group!

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Hi everyone! This is a close-knit group of women who support each other throughout our cycles as we struggle through the rollercoaster of TTC.

We love new people so please feel free to join us with an introduction and just describing your journey with TTC so far :)

The best way to get support is to give support, so join the conversation and no drop-ins please! We are all in this together and we are here for friendship and sisterhood!

611 Replies • 10 years ago



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Thank you everyone! The 13th is when I am expecting AF. I planned on testing that day but I might get impatient and try my luck a couple of days earlier. The last 2 months I tried testing at around 11 dpo when I got my BFN. I hate the letdown of seeing a neg test so I want to wait as long as possible this time.

10 years ago

ttcbaby---waiting is always preferable so that's great. If you're expecting AF on the 13th then aren't you only 1dpo right now? I am so so so bad at holding off...I mean testing at 7dpo bad. [unsure]

holly--that would be the best christmas present EVER! I hope AF gets here already so you can get started! Are you using preseed on days you BD? Are you taking baby aspirin?

luv--my RE just wants to see the gestational sac(s), yolk sac(s) and perhaps the fetal pole(s). I'd be happy with that.

My husband is so cute he almost made me cry today, as he was leaving to go back to work after his break he gave me a kiss goodbye and said "i love you" and then he kneels down and hugs my stomach and says "I love you too little baby" ...the reason this really touched me is that I've felt he's been emotionally distant because he doesn't want to get his hopes up or get hurt if things don't turn out showed me that he's hopeful and finally starting to REALLY allow himself to feel all that's in his heart. It really made me happy!

10 years ago

Aww Law that is so sweet. I am excited for your ultrasound, seeing the heart beat will be an amazing thing.

Thank you Blue

Holly- Thank you. And sorry your temps are dropping. I have heard good things about acupuncture. I hope it will help, I also heard it is also a good stress relief. A BFP would be Awesome on Christmas!! What a gift, wow! If this cycle is a bust for me, I would be out for Christmas but possible New Years which would be kinda cool. I love the picture you added below your post it is so cute.

Luv- Honestly I rarely ever shop for myself, I did buy a skirt for me but honestly only cause I need it for DH's Christmas party Next Sunday. Other wise I bought stuff for my Hubby, Daughter and 2 kids we adopted from the Angel tree. I also Had to pick up a few things for a baby shower and Some blessing bags for the homeless.

AFM- I think the Cyst may finally be gone, I do not have the nagging pain I have had. In fact I have no symptoms of anything. Which could be really good thing or bad.

10 years ago

Holly yay for a Christmas BFP! I am cheering for you over here! Bring it on :)

ttcbaby I agree with lawbride you may be less DPO than you think if AF is due then, normally the luteal phase is about 14 days (sometimes it's shorter but usually not longer). Hope you've been BDing lately ;)

lawbride what a cute story! Well with those huge betas he'd better be accepting the news ;) Heehee!

afmedic yay for no more pain! I think in this case no symptoms is good :) You sound very selfless! That is awesome that you do all that good for others :)

10 years ago • Post starter

@law and luv- I am so confused! I'm really new to this. AF is due on the 12th or 13th. I'm counting the first day of this cycle as Nov. 14th. That was the day I started spotting. Full flow wasn't until the 16th. I'm not sure which day I am supposed to count as the first day. Anyhow, I did one ovulation calculator that said O would take place anywhere from the 24th to the 30th. I don't know the exact date since I didn't use an OPK or temp or anything. I was thinking it happened early on the 26th because I felt the ovary twinges that day and every day since I have had pressure and bloating. Last night was when I first noticed the breast tenderness. I did BD every other day starting the 24th to present.

What day do you guys count as the first day of cycle? As soon as the spotting starts?

10 years ago

ttcbaby full red flow is CD 1, if you O'd on the 26th that'd be CD 10 which is pretty dang early. Generally the luteal phase (LP) is consistent but women can O at different times of the month. Normally it's somewhere between CD 14 and 20. If you O'd on CD 10 you could probably expect AF on CD 24ish. I really highly recommend that you temp so that you know when you're ovulating and how long your LP is!

Oh and the ovary twinges you felt was probably the follicles expanding in preparation to O, it's very rare to be able to feel the O itself or to be able to tell that it is O and not just follicle growth. Ovaries can also hurt AFTER O as the follicles shrink back down.

10 years ago • Post starter

ttcbaby--I just wanted to second what luv said. If your cycles are consistent in length then I'd count 14 days before your expected period and consider that your O day....of course you can't be sure without tracking your temp or you cervical position, cervical mucous, or using opks but it's a guess. If you've been BD'ing every other day until today then you're fine!

admedic/luv--thanks ladies. I just know he wants this so badly...maybe even more than I do (if that's even possible) and he is so guarded because he doesn't want his heart broken and he would've been heartbroken if it was a CP or something like that...I think the constant confirmation from my betas is what he needed to really trust that it's real!

10 years ago

Ah so excited to see everyones tests over the next week or so...good luck holding out ttc baby! Im a terrible early tester too.

Afm. I am terrified of tomorrows scan. Praying so hard that they find a heartbeat. I am not expecting them to find one though, the bleeding just keeps coming and going so I cant see how my little bean can hold on. But then again ive had no heavy bleeding yet so maybe we still have a chance. Fx.


10 years ago

@luv Thanks so much for the information. I didn't know that. I guess I better go edit my cycle and if this month is a bust then I will try temping next cycle and an OPK. Nobody said making a human being was an easy job :)

10 years ago

Thank you Luv for the kind words. Honestly I do it because I believe in Karma, and I was raised in a very poor home with only my mom who fought to give us what she could and 3 sisters. I am thankful I am to be where I am today and doing what I do I guess is my way to give Thanks. When it comes to Children, Veterans and Homless my heart just aches to see them in such a bad way. We are going tomorrow to a church to help feed some of our community who are in need. I actually can not wait till my daughter is old enough to do these things with me. Instead of being the family who is in need, being the one who is helping.

TTC I agree with Luv. CD 1 is full bleeding. O pains may take a little bit to figure out what they mean for you. Some people have them before or after and some when they are actually ovulating.

10 years ago

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