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9DPO TTC#2 tww survival tips please!

Hi Everyone! I'm fairly new to the site, currently 9 DPO and driving myself insane, looking for any advise for surviving the TWW!!.....With my first, it took 2 years to conceive, I had irregular cycles and some months never ovulated, drove myself absolutely insane!! I promised myself if we ever tried again I wouldn't go nuts....and then here I am, 9 DPO and blowing through internet tests like a mad woman :) This is my 4th month TTC and my cycles have been text book perfect since stopping the pill-which is VERY unusual for me-so I thought hey, maybe this time it will be nice and easy??? Nope...last month I did have a CP and it was actually a relief just knowing everything is working without having to get poked and prodded 2-3 times a month.

Anyways, done rambling!! How do you find the patience and will power to not test constantly??? Gosh I wish I could just wait until AF is due, test, and let it be. Seeing BFN after BFN is exhausting and depressing, pure torture! Yet month after month I put myself through it, I can't help it! lol

75 Replies • 7 years ago



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Lol. I have almost zero will power so I end up testing like twice a day, once with FMU and again in early evening (since I've heard that sometimes early evening urine gets stronger results), and sometimes with two different brands at a time, just in case one test picks it up over the other. Always hoping for that BFP! I think I started testing at least once a day over a month ago, so I promise you are not the only mad woman. Lol. And luckily, DH keeps quiet when he sees me with a huge bag of $0.88 tests from Walmart. Haha

I've been trying to keep track of my CP, and checking at the same time every day, but it hasn't seemed to change. Over the last two weeks, it's stayed high, hard, and wet, sometimes semi-open and sometimes closed. My CM varies between creamy lotion-y and watery, so that doesn't really help.

Trying not to get too obsessed, but I'm afraid I may already be past that point. Lol

7 years ago

LOL I should have known there was no magic cure-so I shall just feed into my POAS addiction :) I too test twice a day, with too different brands. Apparently I haven't learned my lesson yet!! CP never makes any sense for me, my cervix has a mind of it's own and never stays in one spot for too long !

7 years ago • Post starter

Hi, ladies sorry new to this so not too great with shortened words I know bfn and bfp but what is poas?
I'm currently on cycle day 22 not sure when I ovulated but have been having some symptoms of pregnancy, I am putting it down to going mad as I've had pregnancy symptoms every month since we started ttc, anyway so far I've had nausea but without vomiting, headache, tender breast similar to let down feeling, cramps, hot flushes and dizziness I ordered tests off internet they come tomorrow so i can finally test even though I probably shouldn't yet but it can't be helped lol, baby dust too all and good luck

7 years ago


POAS=pee on a stick I hear ya, my body gives me pregnancy 'symptoms' every month, bodies are sneaky like that!!! Cheap internet tests are the best for testing when we shouldn't, but we just HAVE to lol. AF is due today for me so I'm guessing I'm out this month, onward to cycle 5! Good luck to you!! Hope you get your

7 years ago • Post starter

Thank you for telling me lol feel aft for asking now I know and bless you has af arrived or are you just waiting on her arrival I'm waiting for the postman and so is my partner lol saved fmu so will post result but not getting hopes up although partner thinks I am because pooch has been on me like a rash and listens to me instead of his daddy now haha also I'm suffering a lot with constipation and when I do go it's very sloppy sorry tmi I keep feeling nauseous on and off all day but worse on an evening for some reason anyway I hope you get your bfp soon good luck Hun and keep your chin up its not easy when our bodies trick us every month

7 years ago

Sounds very positive for you!!!! Fingers crossed for a giant BFP once they arrive!!! AF hasn't shown yet for me....she's fashionably late I guess While I wish I could say I will wait 2 more days to test....something tells me I will cave by this afternoon!!

7 years ago • Post starter

Tina, I'm so glad you at least know when AF is due. With PCOS, I never know when that witch is coming, and my symptoms are all over the place. I haven't had a full period since November, then light bleeding for 2 days in January (I'm counting it as AF) when I started back up with metformin. I think a lot of my symptoms could have been from that.

But these past few days, my boobs have been sore, and feel almost bruised and engorged, even after just an hour after feeding my 12-month-old (I only feed her in the mornings and at night now, but still pump twice a day). My nips are pretty sensitive now, too. And starting around the same time, I am so so tired in the morning and find myself wanting to take naps during the day. Also been having lots of dull cramps in uterus, which is unusual for me, and have been super bloated and gassy!

CP stays the same-high, hard, and closed, with a bit of lotiony CM, but not overly much.

Not sure what to think at this point, but I still test everyday. Lol. Even though I tell myself I'm going to wait at least one day in between testing. That never works (but I've at least gone down to one test a day for now haha), so I'm going to see my GYN on Friday and see what she says... Maybe I'll have her give me some Provera to call the witch over if their in-office test is also negative.

JJ, it definitely sounds very promising for you! And I definitely understand the bathroom situation. Mine juggles between constipation and diarrhea (crazy annoying). Let us know your results!

I'll keep you guys posted ... Just really hoping that the little bean will find us and stick, you know. BABY DUST TO US ALL!!

7 years ago

Hopeful- I hear ya on PCOS, I'm so sorry you are going through that!! I was diagnosed 8 years ago with it-no idea why my cycles were so regular after coming off the pill recently but it does seem they are starting to ir-regulate again. 17 DPO today, BFNs, EWCM is back?? and no sign of AF-

although, if they stayed under 40 day cycles I'd be okay with that!! It was when cycles lasted 50-60 days that it got REALLY frustrating.

Hoping for the best at your Dr's appointment!! It's so hard when pregnancy symptoms are the exact same that we could experience from just the normal menstrual cycle process-I sure wish there was an immediate alert once you conceived!!

JJ- Did everything work out for you okay?

Fingers crossed for you ladies!!

7 years ago • Post starter

I hear ya, Tina! Got another BFN this morning, so we'll see what they say this afternoon. CP is high and soft, closed, with just a little bit of creamy CM.

EWCM sounds very promising! I think you need to grab your guy and start BD-ing again - can't hurt.

The crazy thing is that I hadn't had AF for 6 months before finding out that I was pregnant with DD, so it can definitely happen! I keep calling her my miracle baby, because they tested me before they gave me Provera, then I took it and waited 10 days after last pill and nothing...then took a test and BFP!

I'll keep you guys posted on the appointment this afternoon. Hopefully we'll all have sticky sticky beans very shortly!

7 years ago

Okay, so update:

At the doctor's office, urine and blood tests were both negative, so I was prescribed Provera to jumpstart my period. I'll let you know how it goes.

How are you guys doing? Any news?

7 years ago

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