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Signs, or Not Signs... Who knows...

This is my first time posting. I posted once before on another site and a woman instantly told me how stupid I was and was so negative that I never did again. She had a hard road, but I didn't understand how I incurred her wrath!

Any ways, I am 31 and we are trying for our first. This is our 7th cycle of active TTC. There is a chance that there could have been a miscarriage in October, but my doctor could not confirm, though she said she can't say I didn't cause all the symptoms were there (husband is a med student who worked as an EMT and ER worker for years before and best friend is an L&D nurse and both are convinced I did based on having my full period in one shot at 3am when I was 4 days late with a massive clot and then being in horrific pain the next two days). But we will never know for sure.

I am currently 11dpo and am bloated up to the point that I look several months pregnant. I am constipated and have been for 5 days. To say I am uncomfortable is an understatement. It could be a sign... or it could be a first major IBS flare up in 2 years.

My back hurts and I feel cramps... but it could be a weather flare up cause I broke my back 7 years ago and it has been rainy this week.

I am EXHAUSTED. But it could be just my husband is in total study mode and I am doing every last thing around the house and don't have a whole lot of interactions with people during the day.

Isn't that the frustrating part though? There are no definitives. We really can't tell by symptoms, and I get stuck between my desire to know and my lack of wanting to pay for a negative test. With med school hubby, everything is viewed with a 7% interest rate.

I don't know, it all just has me feeling kinda ugh today... or it could just be the cloudy weather...

9 Replies • 9 years ago



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Girl, I hear you! I'm 12 DPO and only test because I bought a batch online. The negatives never bring up the mood, either. I tested last night, and nothing! I'm having "symptoms", too. Well, I say that, but I'm sure everything is more noticeable when you're looking for them! Hang in there and keep me updated! I'll be your support buddy if you want! Praying and !!!

9 years ago

nharty09 that would be great! I am at CD30 right now, and my norm is 28, so we will see! I probably won't test for a few more days. I am so gun shy of testing! It is just so heart wrenching to see the BFN and as long as I am not testing and she doesn't show, there is a glimmer of hope.

9 years ago • Post starter

Well, you are lasting longer than I could have! AF came Sunday with absolutely no sign that she was on her way until it started!

You're 14DPO? I would have lost my mind and tested 20 times by now LOL! I didn't even make it to 14DPO, on 13DPO I started ....

Let me know how it goes!

9 years ago


I am still waiting. If I get through today it will be my longest cycle ever. I am thinking of testing Friday or Saturday if there is still nothing. I know I feel super tired, I have weird half cramps (my period cramps often require either 4 advil and 2 tylenol cocktails or 2 vicodin and two aleve to deal with, they are so bad). These don't really hurt, they just feel, weird. I have been getting dizzy today too.

We will see...

9 years ago • Post starter

My mother told me she cramped so bad with me that she had no idea she was pregnant because it HAD to be a period. Praying your mild cramps stay mild and that baby is just getting adjusted inside there for you!!

9 years ago

Well, I was awoken in the middle of the night with bad cramps, and I knew. I went to the bathroom, and sure enough, she showed. I was going to test this morning, so at least I didn't waste a test I guess.

My husband and I are both feeling discouraged at this point. I know they say that it can take a year, but when you look at the numbers, most people don't take that long. My doctor told me that if we just stopped birth control and didn't actively try most are pregnant in a year. We have been actively trying now for 8 cycles. I am 31, will now be 32 having a child (at least) and we don't want this to be our only kid. Yes, you can still have kids after 35, but a whole lot of risks accompany that, and having a doctor-in-training for a husband makes you acutely aware of all of them. My OB/GYN even told me in no uncertain terms NOT to wait till 35 and to have our kids now.

I think I am going to call and try to get checked out further. I had a stretch of time last spring, just before we started trying where I bled 4 out of 5 weeks, on the pill, which I had been on for over two years without issue. They took an ultrasound and didn't find anything wrong. It did look like I had ovulated, which is weird since I was on the pill. I am a healthy weight, active, as is my husband. We average less than 1 drink a month, and the last one my husband had was in July, and I have only had three glasses of red wine since then... though right now, I am planning the 4th, 5th, and maybe 6th at our Christmas party after this.

It is just frustrating... and of course, she can't show in the middle of the day so I can take some pm pain meds and get a good night's sleep at least. She has to show at 2am after I got to sleep at midnight so I can be completely exhausted all day as well as in pain. 3 advil and 2 tylenol this morning so far, and my heating pad across my belly and I still hurt. Thank goodness I am alone at work today so I can be in my stretch pants and no make up and no one is here to see it!

Sorry for my rant. I am just tired and bummed today.

9 years ago • Post starter

Aww, I'm so sorry :( I completely understand your frustration. We started ttc last April, so we are at month 20. I will be 29 next month, and my husband is 34. He is still doing okay with all of this, but of course, I think it's harder on us as women. We just have a maternal instinct that men won't ever understand.

They may make you wait until you have tried for a year before they do any extra testing. I would have to go to a specialist because my OBGYN doesn't handle infertility issues. I went last year to our specialist in town because it had been more than 70 days since my last period, but they were of absolutely NO help! They did blood work, pap smear, and an ultrasound. Everything came back normal, so their solution was to put me back on birth control. Are you kidding me?! So much for them being specialists ...

It doesn't matter how long you have tried, when you are longing for something it hurts when it doesn't happen. It may be hard to do, but try to stay positive! And vent all you want ... it can definitely help!

9 years ago

I actually went this morning. She told me that 6 months of actively trying spells a problem and a year of just being off birth control. I get blood work tomorrow and move forward from there. I am blessed to live across the street from one of the best hospitals for gynecology in the country.

The main concern they have is that I have next to ZERO cervical fluid. I thought it was normal. It is impossible for us to have sex without lube. Not uncomfortable, impossible. It simply can't/won't happen. TMI alert... It won't go in. Neither my husband or I had sex before we were married, so we just thought that it was the way things were. He doesn't learn about reproduction till Spring in med school... Why couldn't have it been first! :)

So anyways, doctor is concerned. Testing is starting.

Sorry you have been trying so long. That is so frustrating. They can't offer you any sort of hope or help?

9 years ago • Post starter

Oh my, that would be much more than just painful! I understand them wanting to test everything. Too bad he didn't learn about that sooner!

I'm sure we could get clomid or something from a specialist if we wanted, but my husband hasn't made it to that point yet of using any kind of fertility drugs to move things forward. We are really just praying it happens naturally so we don't have to get into more medicine. My husband isn't a big fan of doctors LOL!

9 years ago

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