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TWW for a March 2017 BFP!

Hi all! I am somewhat new here and on the journey of TTC for the first time around! This is our second active month to TTC. I have been off BC for a year now, and we did the pull out method until we decided we were ready to stop preventing last month.

I have always been nervous that I would have issues TTC and so I put it off for some time. Now that we are actually on the road to hopefully conceiving I am getting more and more excited and more and more stressed about it! Last month was a BFN, which I half heartedly expected especially since it was our first active month of TTC.

This month I am really hopeful and afraid I'm setting myself up for disappointment! I am currently 4 dpo and have had increased CM for longer than usual so I am hoping that is a good sign! If I were to conceive this month the estimated due date would be Mar 4 which is my mother's birthday! I would love that! And she would love it too, she has been waiting quite some time for a grandbaby.

This TWW is going to be downright miserable, but having a little company would help it pass quicker! :)

183 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hey, I'll join you for the wait. I'm 3dpo today and edd is March 2nd 2017.
This is my 4th month ttc and I'm using donor sperm. I'm hoping to hold out until next Monday or Tuesday to test

8 years ago

Hello & welcome! Im 4dpo today! Ttc 2 yrs off & on. But this month i began taking fertility vitamins so this cycle has been changing for me like i ovulated earlier & had way more cm this month! So im excited i so hope this is my month for a bfp if not i have strong faith for the next couple months since fertilaid is straightening me out! I wish u tons of baby dust & a short ttc journey! Keep me updated on how ur feeling! When is af due for u?
I have no idea when af will come since i ovulated earlier this cycle hopefully if im not pregnant she'll come on time & not later.

8 years ago

Hi ladies and thanks for joining! It sounds like we are all pretty close together in this wait so that's great! I am due for AF on the 22nd, and am going to try to hold out as long as possible before testing.

Last month I started POAS at 9dpo and needless to say it was a waste of several tests :(.

I keep us posted on your progress throughout the wait! I'm anxious to hear all of our results and wish you both lots of sticky baby dust!!

What are each of your thoughts on intercourse during the TWW??? I never had thought anything wrong with it and then stumbled across a few posts which made it sound like it was bad for implantation, but also saw some that said it may be good for implantation! I guess there are lots of mixed reviews on it. Either way me and DH did the deed today on 4dpo so hopefully I won't feel guilty for it if it doesn't happen this month!

8 years ago • Post starter

Idk but im hoping af comes around the 22 if im not pregnant & doesnt drag out forever.ive been testing on opks since cd 10 & decided to keep testing til af or bfp just to see what they would show lol
Im excited for this month & the next coming ones. I feel like my body is getting back in order it gives me hope lol
Im only 5dpo so idk if i even would have any symptoms or not this early & if i did im not sure if they would be pregnancy symptoms or just side affects from the fertility vitamins thats why im tracking everything this month so if af comes ill kno what to expect next month
But one thing i have noticed today that is driving me nuts is i keep burping after everything i eat or drink today. Just started yestertday & i havent drank anything carbonated in weeks.
& idk about bding during tww. I heard not to but im not sure if its correct. Id bd just not anything crazy or extremely rough. I think next time ill ask my dr about that my next visit.
How have u been feelin lately do u usually have ovulation symptoms or pms symptoms before af?

8 years ago

So i know im symptom spotting like crazy either ill get af eventually & feel even more crazier for these symptoms or ill get my bfp. God i hope its bfp. Or these vitamins have a lot of side affects lol.
This morning i noticed a weird dry strange taste in my mouth. I think some refer this to metallic tatse? Maybe? Im not sure.. but im still burping like crazy, kinda annoying. & i feel kinda snappy but also happy its weird lol. Hope its good. & i been feeling hungrier but dont feel full or fat after eating.. i actually feel beautiful here lately & confident.
I dont have any hpts only opks. Not sure when i should buy some hpts. So far i been testing on opks nonstop since cd10. Cd 10 was almost no 2nd line & then got darker til ovulation then after ovulation they got a lil lighter but not much & they have stayed with a 2nd line on them since then. Hoping they will get darker some have said opk will detect pregnancy

8 years ago

Hello ladies, I'm in my 40's have 3 kids from previous marriage age, 25,21,14. My DH didn't have any children so he asked if I would have a baby for him. We had a cp back in 2014 then the next mth got pg and had a beautiful DD who is now 14 mths old. We started TTC our second baby 7 mths ago. Having a bit of bad luck but hoping this time we will get our went to obgyn and I physical am in perfect health for my age and having multi pregnancies. Have started tracking my bbt. We bd for 3 days prior to O. I am now 5 DPO and temp has been rising the last 3 days. Not a whole lot going on, feeling some pinches and pulling, slept like I was dead last night, urine smells strong and I am peeing more. I really feel great and positive about my chances.

8 years ago

Nikki- That sounds exciting! At least you are having some type of symptoms to track, even if they may possibly just be from the fertility vitamins. Good idea to keep a good track of them this month so that you'll know what to expect next month if you don't get the BFP this go round. I have heard the same thing about OPK's detecting pregnancy but wasn't sure how accurate it was! If I was you I would buy some HPT's the day or two before AF is due if you're still feeling hopeful. I have my fingers crossed for you! It's great that you are feeling physically and emotionally well- positive vibes help in the way of conception I think! Keep us posted on your symptoms! I really don't have much symptoms to name- I am 5dpo today and so far have only experienced a small increase in CM, or rather it's just lasted longer than usual. I tend to only have lots of EWCM the day before and day of O- but this month I have experienced EWCM for 7 days!!! So that makes me a little more hopeful. Have also been a little more fatigued than usual, but that could just be PMS symptom. I try to remind myself that it's still technically very early to experience any real symptoms!

Hi Chicks! Thanks for joining us! It sounds like you have quite the full family! I hope your next BFP will be soon! Your temp tracking sounds like it's going in the right direction so that's exciting! I am 26 and just beginning to TTC our first. This is my second month around. Really hoping for a March baby! Sounds like all of us are 5dpo today! :)

8 years ago • Post starter

Yeah I'm really glad i have yall to talk to & this website period! lol I'm not on any social media sites except this place & don't talk much about ttc to family or friends.. Yeah i know i try to keep in mind 5dpo is still super early. I few years back I fell pregnant not ttc but ended in MC at 9wks.. I remember then I had no idea i was even pregnant & didn't experience anything until I tested BFP after af was 2wks late then I started throwing up in the mornings & feeling real sick til noon then I'd be good.
I hope this is a good month for all of us. I'd love to have a big family one day.
I'm sending lots of baby dust to all of you! ;)
Oh also thought I'd spread some info I read a few days ago about being in the tww it said to eat warm foods, like stews or spicy & stuff that are good to build a rich uterine lining like fiber or a lot of greens & what not. So if you are pregnant the baby will have a nice warm welcome.
I haven't been eating greens lol but I've been eating warm foods & sometimes spicy!

8 years ago

6dpo had a dip in temp this morning down to 97.89. Anxious to see if it jumps back up tomorrow. Experienced some cramping yesterday and felt like my pelvis was being pulled apart. Also I feel short tempered....maybe AF signs. Usually I don't feel like I could throat punch someone until closer to AF but at this point I better stay out of places like Walmart or I'll be giving y'all updates from the county pokey.

8 years ago

Good morning ladies!

Nikki, I am so sorry to hear about your MC. I know that must have been hard and puts even more pressure on this go round. It is interesting to hear that you had no symptoms during that pregnancy until much later. I am still not having much that feels different. I have been incredibly hungry yesterday and today and I had some pains in my lower abdomen yesterday. Hoping this isn't all AF coming on, although I usually don't have AF symptoms til much closer to her expected date.

Chicks, yes, please stay away from Walmart! I would bet the county pokey would be a miserable place to have morning sickness and the cots wouldn't be too comfortable for all the sleeping you would want to do! :)

How is it only 6dpo!!! I will say I am doing pretty well this go round with passing the time and keeping my mind off of it. I think it's because I feel like I haven't had any notable symptoms and therefore don't feel quite as excited. Dreading AF showing up and being disappointed. Just trying to stay positive and hopeful. Would be so happy to get a BFP at this time next week. Hang in there ladies!

8 years ago • Post starter

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