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Any reassurance please?

Hi Ladies,

If anyone knows what I am going through, it'll be all of you mummies to be.

I am 10 weeks pregnant today and a few people from work have found out because I am unable to do certain things and I am popping off to the toilet every half an hour.
But someone told came up to me today and said that I shouldn't have told anyone until I was 12 weeks and in my 2nd trimester. He said that it is bad luck and if anything happens then I will look like a fool.
This really upset me and now I am thinking that I am going to miscarry and I am going to wake up in a big pool of blood tomorrow.
My partner just thinks I am over-reacting but to me, I am really upset, worried and anxious. It could just be my hormones that are making it feel 100% worse.

Please tell me that I am not going insane and that would upset you too?

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4 Replies • 8 years ago



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Wow. Whoever said that is an idiot.

8 years ago

Wow I can see why you are upset reading your post made me really angry and I don't even know you.
Yes a lot of people choose to wait until after 12 weeks to tell people, but also some people choose to share their news if and when they want to.
It's out of order that he said those things to you. What an idiot. !!!
Please please try not to stress and worry about it, telling people before 12 weeks will NOT increase your chances of mc but stress can. Try to relax and think about 1 year from now when you have a happy healthy munchkin. Sending hugs and positive vibes xxx

8 years ago

Thanks ladies, you have really made me feel better. I will try not to stress

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8 years ago • Post starter

The guy is an ass!!! We don't live in the dark ages anymore. Telling your work early means they can understand any changes in behaviour, like going to the toilet. It explains mood swings and the million other changes you are going through. Your work will also be aware of your limitations and why you might not want to lift things.
Be pregnant and proud!!!!!!

8 years ago

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