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Expected AF, but temperature jumped back up

So I am about to leave to go see my GYN. My visit was supposed to be for something else ENTIRELY and I expected to wake up to good ol' Aunt Flow. My temp dipped below my coverline yesterday and knew she was coming. Today, my temp jumped BACK up and no normal cramping, just my ovary.

Too soon for a pregnancy test (and my Luteal phase is only 12 days long now apparently) but maybe they can do a blood test or something.

Guess I shall post updates. I don't want to get too excited, it could be a fluke. But my cervix was SUPER high this morning and I could barely reach it (which is REALLY abnormal for me)...

... Today's visit was supposed to discuss as to WHY my cervix moved forward and is pointing toward my tailbone now... along with discussing me going to see an Endo specialist in Atlanta. Maybe none of this will be required now? What timing!

Not getting too excited, test said BFN (although if I implanted yesterday, it would still be too early).

1 Reply • 9 years ago



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So in my doctor's expert medical opinion, I am pregnant. He didn't even test me. My cervix is softening, and it's high. My corpus luteum (spelling) is HUGE (a good thing).
He checked out my chart and all looks good.

He wrote me a script to fill as SOON as I get a positive (which I just peed on three sticks, all different brands, and I see something on two.. but not sure if they are evaps)...

.. now excuse me while I go throw up (been feeling sick all day... and I really feel sick now)

9 years ago • Post starter

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