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TWW 4dpo anyone wanna join me in the wait ???

Hi all I'm 4dpo today

Symptoms are slight cramping very low down
Needing to pee all the time

25 Replies • 10 years ago



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I too am 4 dpo, had period like cramping last night, then pains only right pelvic area. Today I had twinges and very very light pinching on my right pelvic area. Ugh the wait is killing me lol just hope I ov when I thought I did. >.<,

10 years ago

Fingers crossed for you I've started getting af style cramps this afternoon and still peeing loads
This wait is horrendous lol
When are you planning on testing ? X

10 years ago • Post starter

Hola everyone,

So So I'm 5dpo and symptoms are:
Cramping(started about an hour or 2 ago @ 12pm)
Some gas & bloating

10 years ago

I will join you in the wait! I'm 2dpo I had lots of cramping the day before O the day of O and the day after O and today I woke up with no symptoms except craving something sweet which is unusual. I'm not getting my hopes up yet. I'm praying my rainbow baby is in there! I had an early miscarriage May 30, 2014. I feel I will have peace in my heart once I'm pregnant again. Until then I feel extremely empty :-(

10 years ago

I feel your pain I've been there , and hope this is your time xx

10 years ago • Post starter

can I join in ladies I am 2dpo. This is hard lol

10 years ago

Texasgirl13 your more than welcome to join in this agonising wait
Let's all hope we get our soon

10 years ago • Post starter

So thought I'd update , I know it's mad but tested and of course BFN hate this waiting

Still feeling the need to pee a lot
Cramps still going on very much like af cramps guess we'll know in about a week
Bbs look veiny

How's everyone else getting on

10 years ago • Post starter

7 dpo...i'd like to join y'all!

Today, a few of my 2-4 dpo symptoms have returned, but pretty light (backache, abdominal twinges). Also, two new symptoms, albeit light: Heartburn and a bit of hip pain/discomfort. Not thinking much of it...also a question:

Did/does anyone have this "weird" feeling? I can't quite describe it except to say its like having heighten senses mixed with dizziness. When I move it's like my vision is trying to catch up with my movement. I feel this feeling with my whole body...does this make sense?

to all!!!!

10 years ago

Hi , well the strangest things are happening today firdy I drove past a little flower stall that was closed but yet had this strong smell of flowers !? Then tonight tmi alerts my pee is crystal clear never in my life have I seen this I have t drank anymore than usual either very strange

10 years ago • Post starter

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