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17dpo still negative but weird symptoms

Hi ladies I tested this morning with second morning urine still negative but past two days have woke up not feeling good with headaches and some nausea today and lower back pain and pelvic pressure anyone ever get a BFP after there negative. this af or at this point is in it my head because I want it sooo bad any suggestions thankyou

4 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

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Stick with the first morning urine, it makes a difference! People certainly have gotten late bfps, but just to throw in my two cents--I really thought I was pregnant, I was having all kinds of symptoms that I've never had before and I'd never been late for a period before either, but it turned out I had a cyst on my ovary, and that was causing all kinds of hormonal ups and downs, which made me bloated, occasionally queasy, sensitive to smells, all kinds of stuff that made me think I was preggo!
Keep testing once a week til you get that period or a positive, but once you get past about 20dpo (if you're sure you ovulated), chances are pretty good that you did not conceive if the tests are still negative.
The waiting game sucks!! Good luck~

10 years ago

Ok thank you and yes the waiting game truly does suck my doc said to test this Friday but I couldn't wait lol so I guess if AF don't show by Friday then ill test like im supposed to!! But its sooooooo hard!!! Just want to be pregnant already! And sorry to hear about your cyst!! I have an appointment for blood work and check up test to be ran on me the 20th of this month since I had a severe miscarriage bout 8months ago but had surgery to remove it 3month's later in Jan because they didn't know if it was viable or not so now me and dh are desperate!
!!!! Once again thankyou

10 years ago • Post starter

Ugh, what a nightmare. :-( Sorry, dear. I had a very early miscarriage back in October and now I'm going crazy because my body keeps randomly skipping cycles here and there, I'm guessing because cysts keep developing and then going's wreaking havoc with my emotions too, because I'm tired of waiting. I conceived the first time within a few months of getting off birth control, why can't it just happen already?!?! Gah.
Fingers crossed for us both~

10 years ago

Awww so sorry to hear!!! I found out I was pregnant in October as well but they waited till Jan for surgical removal because I hemmoraged on Christmas and thought they got everything but didn't!!!! Was completely a nightmare from hell!!! Praying for my second miracle baby!!! I have a 5yrold daughter and were desperate for a little one she ask all the.time why her friends have siblings and she has none its depressing and stressful definitely fingers crossed for us and God bless our pregnancies and may they all be healthy. ***BABY DUST****

10 years ago • Post starter

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