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Forced to wait

Before I got married my dh wanted lots of kids. He wanted his own football team of kids, but as soon as we got married he changed his mind. Now I'm ready to start ttc and he wants me to wait for him to find a better job (He's been looking for 3 years and had no luck.) And I'm at a place in my career where I feel this is the best time for me to do this. I guess I just don't want to have to wait for him to find a new job, which may or may not happen, in order for me to have a baby. He says that he thinks he's going to find a job this year, but theres no evidence to support that, he hasn't even been on an interview in a year and half. Of course I would never tell him I feel this way about his job situation but I don't know what I can do to make him see that this is more important to me than anything. Anytime I try to talk to him he shuts me out and won't listen and when I get upset and start to cry he says I'm crazy. We've been together 8 years and this is the first time he's been so completely insensitive. I thought I was pregnant a few months ago and he said it would be the worst thing in the world if we had a baby. I'm sorry I just needed to rant for a while and feel like someone actually listened.

4 Replies • 12 years ago



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You could spend your whole life waiting for everything to be perfect such as finaces, getting a newer home, a new job opportunity etc.. But it doesn't matter because something else may come up and he might feel like your not ready for a different reason. I think you should be open and honest with him, tell him how you feel, that there is no better time to start trying.. and trust me, sometimes it doesn't "just" happen.. It can take awhile.. Good Luck with it all, hope everything works out for you :)

12 years ago

Thank you so much. It's good to know someone understands!

12 years ago • Post starter

I'm very sorry to hear you're going through that. It's tough. But I agree. Be open with him, try to make him see your reasons. It's true, I was even telling a colleague of mine - I don't think I personally know anyone who planned, and everything was just right, and they got pregnant right away. Either it JUST HAPPENED by accident at a not ideal time, or when the person decided to plan they had fertility issues. LOL...I'm sure there are people it happens for, but I don't think we're ever REALLy really ready for kids. We just think they are. They change everything. That being said, if everyone was to wait for the perfect time, there'd be a lot less people on the planet. No one would have kids. Right? Explain it to him, maybe he feels afraid, or insecure. Try to ease up his fears a bit. It's always a "scary" thing to have a baby. It's a life changing moment, and I get the impression that a lot of men in general are afraid of it, even if they want to. I hope everything works out for you two. =)

(((Positive vibes)))

User Image ***Good luck to everyone!***

12 years ago

He's being somewhat selfish. It's not like this is something that was just brought up. And trust me, there is no "perfect" time to be "ready" for children. Even if your finances are in order, something will come up, and you will get financially strapped for some reason. Just "oopsie". Bad to say, but I have a friend who did and she's now 5 months pregnant and DH is actually excited. Who knew? Good luck to you!

12 years ago

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