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NEED FEEDBACK and some major encouragement

OK here goes nothing.

My husband and i have been actively trying for a baby for almost three years in consecutively and since he deploys every so often they wont refer us to a specialist since we haven't been trying consecutively for a year :( super harsh i know. Anyways I am 11 days late, going in for a urine test tomorrow morning and if thats negative they are going to do blood and or an ultrasound to see what is making me 11 days late.

I have never been late in my life. i don't have pcos.
I have been testing every other day with FMU to see if maybe just maybe i will get my BFP but i am starting to lose hope.

I have:

11 days late
cant eat more than one meal a day
dry heaving at certain smells including foods i used to love and now dont
taking tons of naps
uterus is VERY sore and heavy and is cramping off and on
low back is very sore
stomach is cramping
and OMG gas
urinating frequently
and indigestion
sometimes heartburn depending on what i am eating
white and wet CM

I am just getting discouraged and need a little glimmer of hope. I want to be pregnant but not to the point where i would make this up and be 11 days late. no i am not stressed, just curious, no i havent had any diet or weight changes, just no menses.

If this has happened to you and you have had a successful pregnancy or a REALLY late BFP please comment your story below. If you havent i still would like to hear from you :)

Also prayers would be much appreciated as this would be our first baby after three chemical pregnancies that ended VERY early in my cycle.

Has this happened to anyone and actually turned out that there little bean was just HCG shy?

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6 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by informative)

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I am not a seasoned vet like some of the ladies on here but think positive :) I know easier said then done especially if you have had chemical pregnancies or miscarriages ( that's all I have ever had) but you have to stay positive! Baby dust to you and your hubby and fingers crossed this is it for you guys :)[img]" border="0" alt="User Image" class="forum_image" />[/img]

10 years ago

thank you for your response. i guess my hormones finally have captured me hostage. i am trying to stay positive but its hard with all the negatives. although i have read that one lady didnt come up positive with her daughter until she was 30 days late. so i have hope but i just needed some encouragement. thank you!

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10 years ago • Post starter

I have a friend who didn't test positive until around 7 weeks as she drank lots of water so it diluted her urine. So, you could still be pregnant :) A blood test will confirm it.

10 years ago

thank you shelob! for giving me hope! that would mean i wouldnt test positive for another 2 weeks :) i go in for a urine test tomorrow and if that is negative (which im pretty sure it will be) they have decided to go with protocol and do a blood test after that :)

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10 years ago • Post starter

This late I think it is definitely a good idea to get the blood test. If you aren't you need to find out what is going on anyway. Hope it is good news for you!

10 years ago

Shelob: my doc wants a neg urine first before he will even consider a blood test. And even then I feel like I'm gonna have to fight for one...

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10 years ago • Post starter

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