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ttc after mirena with no cycle

Hi ladies. I am sort of new to this. I read the discussion forums a lot but never posted a Q before.
I got the mirena inserted in oct 2009. No periods since June 2010. Got it removed in June 2013 to ttc. I had brown spotting 3 days after removal for less than a day. Then i had pink spotting (one time) about 2 weeks ago. The doctor told me to take a hpt 2 weeks after removal. I did and it was neg. I took another a week after that and it was neg also. I have been cramping for the last few days but they do not feel like menstrual cramps. It feels like i got punched in my lower abdomen. It hurt to touch. Also, sex is almost unbearable. I can feel him hitting my cervix. I also had a day of creamy white cm after dtd. Idk what is going on. Can anyone enlighten me? Thank you in advance for any answers our guesses. Much love and baby dust to all.

1 Reply • 10 years ago



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I'm not sure exactly what's going on with u but I can share my experience. I had the mirena for four years and had no period for all but about 6 months of that. After removal I had what I call the revenge period for like 10 days...huge clots and super heavy flow to where I had to take iron to function. I was immediately on bc pills after that cause we weren't quite ready. Over the year I was on the pill each period got easier to handle. I quit the pill six months ago and have been very regular since...maybe your body needs time to re adjust and purge itself from all the buildup it can cause. Maybe if it doesn't fix itself soon u can try going on the pill for a couple months to regulate yourself back out? Good luck! Keep us updated!

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10 years ago

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