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40 and TTC # 2 after 19 yrs

Hello Ladies,
I am 40 and DH is 50. We are trying to conceive our first together. I had a TR in August of 2013 and we stated trying in November 2013. I would like to share this journey with you ladies.

709 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hey there, I am 37 my fiance is 40. I have a son who just turned 18 from previous marriage, he has a daughter who is 14 from previous marriage and we are TTC our 1st. I have PCOS and Hyperprolactinemia so have some difficulty conceiving. My doctor has me on Metformin and Dostinex and if I don't have success conceiving in my next 4 cycles she is going to start me on Clomid. So we're keeping our fingers crossed. I have had some very promising symptoms this time. However what I thought may have been implantation bleeding is still occuring so now I'm getting discouraged. I wish you the best of luck and would like to stay in touch to see how your journey goes.

11 years ago

Good morning Scarlet/greg: I'm glad you decided to share your jorney with me. I'm not on any meds. We have been officially trying since Jan. I am 11Dpo as well so we will be testing together. I tested yesterday and got a BFN. But i am still hopeful. This has been an odd cycle for me as well. I have had sore nipples since 1 dpo. have And they are still sore this am. I have been cramping everyday since O also. Yesterday I have alot of "snot like" Cm mixed with alittle brown. I have never experienced these type of symptoms threw out the tww before.

Keep in touch and let me know hoe you are doing. Feel free to share your symptoms with me. Or if you have some questions we will try to figure it out together. I pray we get our BFP in the next few days.

11 years ago • Post starter

Hey Zuberi_Baby2013. I tested on the day I left my last post and got a . Then unlucky me my AF arrived later that day . I was so depressed I sat and cried for a few minutes because I really felt like this time around we had succeeded. So now were starting over. The last couple days have been YUCKY for me this has been by far my worst AF ever the cramps and pain have been so horrible also accompanied with nausea and vomiting. I called my OB yesterday and she wants to see me to make sure everything is OK. So tomorrow I will see her and my RE. I hope you had better luck this round. I look forward to hearing from you again. And pray you guys get that beautiful BFP this round. Please stay in touch.

11 years ago

Hi Scarlet,
Well..... She got me too! So we are in this together for another round. Prayerfully this is our cycle. Im going to give it to God and let Him do what He designed our bodies to do. Make Babies! How long is your cycle? Mine is usually 26/27 days.

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi Scarlet:

Just wanted to let you know that I was trying Soy Iso this cycle. I am starting today. Hope all is well with you.

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi guys,
Thanks for sharing your stories, it's good to know that there are other 'older' ladies TTC. Although I don't consider myself as old.
I'm 43, TTC no2 with after 24 years and a new marriage.
I had a tubal ligation reversal in March and now trying very hard to conceive. Tracking BBT, CM and using ovulation kits.
I'm day 30 of a 30 day cycle. Did a test this morning - BFN and no sign of AF!
Scarlet-Greg, I'm so sorry that this month was not your month.
Zuberi_Baby, I've not heard of soy iso. Let me know how you go.. I'm willing to try anything.

11 years ago

Hello Zuberi
It's good to hear from you. Sorry AF struck you too. Mine has been horrible. I saw my OB Friday she done a vaginal ultrasound and she said everything looked really good. She said it looked like the Metformin was clearing up my PCOS. YAY!!!!! She told me to be patient and just keep charting and trying. My RE wants me to have my Prolactin checked again Monday to see if my levels are dropping if not he is going to increase my Dostinex. Because essentially until my Prolactin comes down I'm probably not going to conceive. But I'm still charting and waiting for O to arrive. My cycles are usually 32-34 days but this month it was 29. My OB said my shorter cycle this month could've been due to the Metformin straightening my PCOS out and hopefully my cycles will be more regular now. Before the PCOS my cycle was always 29 days, but not for a few years that is where my OB wants to get me back to. So it's looking promising there lol. I look forward to hearing from you again.
Traci_Ann, It's good to hear from you sorry about your BFN but with no sign of AF yet its still promising maybe it was just a little to early yet. I wish you the best of luck. And keep us posted. I like having people to talk to especially women who are closer to my age and my situation (having and older child). Some of my friends think I'm crazy for wanting to start over.

11 years ago

Well, day 32 of my cycle!!! Never been this late. I'm now officially addicted to POAS. All negative. Have been referred to a specialist. Will keep you updated :-)

11 years ago

How are you guys going?

11 years ago

Hey Traci_Ann it's great to hear from you. I know how you feel. Everytime I POAS and get a BFN I always feel so depressed. I'm wanting to conceive so bad I'm addicted to the whole process. I chart my BBT, CM, cervical postion. I think I wear my boyfriend out with the BD. He's been super though and supportive. Hopefully the specialist you've been referred to will be able to help you out. I see my OB and my RE, they know me by name lol. But they have been great helping me get things on track so I can conceive. My OB says she saw no sign of my PCOS this month on my ultrasound which is wonderful. And my RE had my Prolactin levels checked again (which are now >1) not sure if that is too low or not my RE is out of the office until next week so I'll have to wait till then to see what he says. But in the mean time I'm still charting and waiting to see if O arrives, (keeping my fingers crossed). I know it's hard but try to stay positive and I'll keep praying for you guys. Hope everything goes good with your specialist. Please keep us informed.

11 years ago

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