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Are there any IUI success stories or anyone going through the IUI process? I'd love to hear your stories. I'm hoping to do my first IUI next month.

11 Replies • 11 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

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I had my first IUI the Friday before Christmas. It unfortunately didn't take but we knew it was a long shot due to timing. This cycle I ended up having a cyst due to the clomid so we hope to try again next month. My nurse offered a double IUI & I think once I'm cyst free we're going to jump on the offer. The whole processes was very taxing on me but doable. Clomid wasn't bad but I hated the trigger shot. Let me know if you have any questions. I'd be happy to answer them. Good luck!

11 years ago

Had my first IUI this month. Been having signs since 6dpo or maybe its my mind. I just hope it worked. Bn TTC for over 2years. Have faith that it would work.

11 years ago

Thanks for the replies ladies.

JFisher I hope the next cycle you get to try is your BFP you've been hoping for.

elsamere how many days past IUI are you?

My DH has retrograde ejaculatlion due to diabetes which means that nothing comes out when we BD. So our chances of conceiving are about nil. We are probably going to be doing IUI with donor sperm. As far as we know from the tests that have been done on me I don't have any issues. I'm not sure if the doctor will want to do a natural cycle or put me on medication.

11 years ago • Post starter

I just had my 4th IUI last friday (4DPO today). I feel pretty hopefull as one of my follicles were 26mm!!

Jfisher- How did they know it was a cyst and not a follicle?

11 years ago

Abbeygirl86 that's so exciting! Hopefully #4 is your lucky charm;)

11 years ago • Post starter

Keeping my fingers crossed for sure!! It's so stressful...

11 years ago

Bridget I am 13dp IUI

11 years ago

omg elsamere when are you going to test?? I wish I was that far through the tww!! I'm only 6dpiui today :(

11 years ago

Wow 13dp iui that's great...have you tested yet?

11 years ago • Post starter

Abbeygirl86- when I went for my ultrasound at the beginning of my cycle my nurse said it was a cyst (2 cm) my last one was much bigger. She believes its from the clomid. I really don't understand it all. She said the we were seeing 3 different things on the ultrasound but all I saw were the circular follicle looking things.

11 years ago

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