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16 dpo, no af, no symptoms, no idea what to think

I mc 8/20 and had a period 34 days later. My normal cycle is 28 days, has been for 20 something years. I've had 3 mc since 2009 and 4 all together. I have 2 healthy boys, ages 18 and 11. We have been trying since we had the 11 yo, but not always as actively as recently. I'm really confused this time around because I should've started Monday ( 3 since Sunday) but have had no symptoms other than being tired and hungry. I'm 37, which may play a role?? I just feel out this month. But why am I late? And why don't I have any of my normal symptoms? My back has been bothering me for over a month but no head aches, no crankiness, no cramps and no bloating. Maybe my cycle is still not right since the mc? Maybe I O'd late? If I don't start or get a bfp by Friday I'm making a Dr. appt. Was just hoping for some insight on here. Maybe someone has been here...and gotten a bfp?? Or maybe someone has been here and something else was going on?? I don't know what to think. I'm trying not to stress about it. After the mc in August we didn't really decide one way or the other if we were going to continue to try, but we weren't preventing it either. I guess if it was meant to be I would know what was going on, right? Maybe, if I feel this way now, we should actively try again next month. Or maybe we should stop trying all together. There are 9 people around me that are pregnant right now making that decision all the more difficult. Please tell me I'm not crazy and there is still hope.

2 Replies • 11 years ago



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I'm now CD 31. I started feeling nauseous yesterday and that really hasn't let up. I've been very gassy too. The gas pains get so bad I can feel it up in my ribs like I'm having a heart attack or something...or at least I think that's what it is. I don't have any other symptoms but I'm still getting bfn's. I really wish I knew what was going on. Has no one been here before?? I'm calling my obgyn tomorrow morning if af doesn't arrive and/or I don't get a bfp, which at this point seems highly unlikely. I'm thinking my system is still all crazy from the mc on 8/20. I don't know.

11 years ago • Post starter

CD 32, nothing. Has anyone out there in the countdowntopregnancy cyber universe ever gotten a after numerous 's and an abnormally long cycle...and virtually NO symptoms? I really wish would come or I'd get a ....something...anything!!!

11 years ago • Post starter

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