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Pregnancy dreams?

So, I'm still waiting to ovulate again, but I'm going to put this under symptoms anyways...

Anyone experience pregnancy dreams...even when you're NOT pregnant?

I thought I might have been, but my period came (albeit slightly lighter than normal, but I get super heavy periods), so I'm just counting myself not pregnant...but a couple of days ago I had a dream about my baby. I've always known that my first child will be a little it woman's intuition. I just know it. I had a dream though, where I was holding my little girl...she was maybe only a few days to a few weeks old, with big baby blue eyes and an olive complexion, and dark baby fuzz hair. She was so beautiful...and I remember I was talking to her in the dream, and she was looking at me, and I kind of felt like she was letting me know everything was going to be okay...It was so peaceful and serene, and I didn't want to wake up from it.

She was my little Isobel...I can't wait for her to come so I can hold her for real.

9 Replies • 13 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

1 - 9 of 9 Replies

Hi Timestreason,

I had pregnancy dreams but i only have them when i AM pregnant i had one last cycle, where i did a test in my dream and it was positive, although that one ended in miscarrige, and i just found out i'm pregnant again and the dream i had about heaps of babies that were all mine in a room. And hopefully this one sticks.

So maybe just maybe your body is telling you something.

13 years ago

I thought of that...but I took my last Poas 3 days into my period, and it was BFN. I know some women can still bleed during the first couple months of pregnancy, so I thought it might have been that...but once AF packed her bags and left, the symptoms I had felt all faded, EXCEPT twinges and pulling in my ovaries.

I may run over to the shoppette and pick up a Poas, just because...but I do have a doctor's appt. in a week, so I'll talk with my PCM about it.

I just wanted to hear other women's pregnancy dreams...I think that they're amazing!

13 years ago • Post starter

I had a dream when I was pregant too. It was about POAS - instead of 2 lines, it had four. Kind of funny.

I just had a dream last night that my neighbor was telling people she was pregnant with twins, but it turned out she was lying. In the dream I remember being so upset thinking "why can't I just have one?". I'm thinking this isn't such a good sign for this month

13 years ago

After getting a BFP last year I had very vivid dreams of things going wrong during pregnancy. They were terrible.
Then one night I had a beautiful dream about our gorgeous healthy, smiley little baby - the following day I was rushed to hospital and operated on for a ruptured ectopic pregnancy.

Looking back on it now I must have known subconsiously that something wasn't right. I like to think of the happy dream, as our little angel saying goodbye.

User Image - 29th May 2010. Our ectopic angel will never be forgotten

13 years ago

About a week before finding out my baby's heart stopped I had a dream I saw my Grandpa. He said "your grandma told your dad and your dad told me, to tell you it was a boy". "Was" a boy. Didn't like the sound of that and put it out of my head until I got my ultrasound.

User Image

13 years ago

Two days before finding out i was pregnant with my son i had a dream that i was running along the shoreline and a little dolphin came to play with me. only the dolphin had the face of a little boy. it smiled at me while we played, my son has the same bright smile i remember. when it was almost time to wake up, in my dream i told the dolphin i had to go and it started to cry, it made me cry but i promised him that i would come back to play. the following night when i dreamt i actually saw my son. his eyes, smile, everything was bright and it made me feel really happy. he even told me his name in my dream. when i woke that morning i tested and it was positive. i gave my son the name that he told me in my dream.

last month i dreamt that i took a pregnancy test that came out negative. I looked at my fiance's face and he was still smiling so i took another one and it was positive.
last month when i took a pregnancy test it was negative i'm still waiting to test this month to see the results.

this month i dreamt (on several ocassions) that i was pregnant with a little girl. i felt her move in my stomach (in my dreams of course) but also i've held her and played with her. this month disturbs me a little because in several dreams she's taken away from me. that's why i'm worried about testing.

but i will and i will post to let you ladies know the outcome. I've always felt that my dreams showed me one of two things: things that are to come or things, or things that i need to pay closer attention to in real life.

13 years ago

For the ladies that experienced miscarriage: I'm SO sorry...I can't even imagine the pain :( Baby dust to all of you! And lots of hugs!

Sometimes dreams can just be dreams...I've had some incredibly crazy ones...I used to think they were normal until my husband told me that they're pretty far out there, lol! But other dreams have meanings...and I love to dream, even if it's a not so a good dream. I've actually had dreams of Totem animals coming to me and not in words, but kind of showing their approval of my choice to become a wildlife rehabber.

Anyways! I got a Poas yesterday, and it was negative. :( But I get to try in a week! Yay!

blessings2105- definitely let us know! I really hope nice BFP and that everything is okay!

13 years ago • Post starter

Funny thing happened to me yesterday, i took a HPT and got a BFP.. went to restroom like 5 mins later and AF started. Happened to me in AUG 2010 also, found out i miscarried at 5 weeks.. DP and i were devasted last night but figured maybe we needed to work on some other stuff (finances, and being healthy, and such) before we "actively try" again. Secretly, i'm addicted to this site and POAS so i'll still be "trying" i just won't let him know. i think he likes surprises ... so i'm keeping a positive outlook on things and hopefully soon we'll get a sticky bean.

to all the other ladies on here, gd luck. dnt ever give up hope. stick baby dust to you all !! i read something a while ago that i would like to share..

"happiness keeps you sweet, trails keep you human, failures keep you humble, success keeps you glowing, but GOD keeps you going."

*keep china in your hearts and prayers also..

13 years ago

Keep Japan in your prayers ladies...I live on a small island a few hours flight south of the Mainland, but we still got hit by a small tsunami. I personally am fine, and I'm not really aware of the situation at the sea wall...last I knew is everything is okay here. But I saw some images/videos of the mainland and it's just incredible.

Blessing: My neighbor/best friend bled through the first two months of her pregnancy, and now she has a healthy 2 year old who is WAY too smart for his own good. Maybe everything will be ok? Praying for you!

13 years ago • Post starter

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