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can you re-use a pregnancy stick?

right i know this might sound rather dumb, but to be honest who knows? maybe a hpt was done and a negative came or maybe a faint positive? but very faint that your so insure, or maybe so faint only you can see? can you then wee on that same stick again which is maybe added more off the hormone onto the stick or simply doing it again? could it turn a neg to a positive if infact i am pregnant? Has anyone done this before? feel free to share..

3 Replies • 11 years ago



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The answer is no.
This is a clear explanation why:
"There are two problems with reusing the test. The first problem is that all the dye had "crossed" the test. The urine is "wicked" across the test window and carries the dye with it. The dye sticks to the control line (and test line, if pregnancy hormone is detected.) Once the test is performed, there is no dye at the starting point. This part is easily solved using a red ink pen. I colored a thick band near the wick. Now there was ink.

The second problem with reusing the test is NOT easy to solve. The ink doesn't stick unless it has the proper antigens in it. Antigens bind to the control line (and hCG, if it's present, which then stick to the "test" line.) The original dye in the test contains the antigens as well. Once the test is used, those antigens are used up. I do not have a chemistry lab handy, so unlike the ink, which is easy to replace, we hit a brick wall with the antigens."

11 years ago

CAN you? yes, Will it work? probably not, looking through forums, some people have gotten a positive after a negative and it was right, but personally i wouldn't trust a used test retake, there's just so many things that can go wrong

2013 January/February cycle 2013 February/March hopes for a soon

11 years ago


i wanted to know if any of you had a similar situation. i had reused already positive frer test (it was very dark positive result for as least a week) i have today retested with it again and test line dissapeared, it became very very faint. what do you think??? did anyone had similar situation, may it happen like that? i have also done new test just in case and it showed positive,,,, im just curious why would it dissapear on old test???

10 years ago

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