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Frustrated! 11 DPO

For the past week and a half I've been having a LOT of trouble sleeping. Even with taking 9 MG of melatonin (natural sleep aid which normally knocks me out) I've been having problems getting to sleep, staying asleep, and resting. And then I'm exhausted throughout the day. That, and bouts of nausea in the AM since Saturday, and a lot more back pain than usual. Now, severe back pain is usually a clue as to when my AF is coming. I'm GUESSING that AF is due on the 3rd of march. I say guessing, because last month my period was 2 weeks late due to stress (I was moving to another country). Normally my cycle is 35 days...normally, but AF is devious and doesn't always play right.

I'm totally ready to be pregnant, and I'm really hoping I am...but I took a test yesterday (one of the 6 days early ones) and it came out negative. I've also had a UTI, so I've been trying to get that taken care of. I have that feeling...I really want to test again. I'm so frustrated! I just want to know if this is really happening or if my mind/body are playing games with me!

6 Replies • 13 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

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I am also 10 dpo today and tested and got a big fat bfn! I was / am so sure that I am prego this time around because things were a little different than other cycles. I know it might still be early so of course I am going to test again but I am disapointed and I hate this emotional up and downs during this poasing week!! It is soo hard! I wish it were simpler and more straightforward. I just can't beleive how hard it can be sometimes. I really hope you still get a bfp! It isn't over yet... it might be too soon for you still! I think you should test again too!

13 years ago

Thanks girl! It's good to know other people in the same boat. I took a hpt this morning (DPO 12) and still BFN...but it was one of those blue dye tests, which I've heard aren't all that great...I wish I could tell you "oh just wait the disappointment of more BFNs aren't worth it...." but seriously, I wouldn't follow that advise! I know it's still a couple of days early and I know I'll more than likely get more BFNs...but at the same time I can't stand it and have to see!

My ovaries are so sore! It's not unusual for me to get sharp pains around the time of ovulation (sometimes they're so bad I'm paralyzed from the pain, usually for a few hours). But my ovaries are NEVER sore like feels like someone's been beating them with a baseball bat. (they don't hurt per say, just bruised and feel heavy)

Yesterday I also had sharp pains in my chest...but it stopped after a while. Other than that, nothing's really been going on chest wise...but I just feel weird things happening inside. I try to be really aware of my body, what's going on inside and everything, to where I can pinpoint exact locations of things...and something is definitely going on behind my abdomen. It's not sore, but it just feels...different.

My body hurts like AF is coming, to the point where I just want to curl up and not move...and I want to take some serious pain killers. I've also been getting headaches a lot...which I normally don't!

I kind of want to just breakdown and cry...I can't stand this waiting!

Good luck to you girl!

13 years ago • Post starter

AF decided to visit today. :(

13 years ago • Post starter

Aww sorry hun, I feel for you!

13 years ago

Aww that's awful...maybe this cycle will a little better for you. Keep trying!

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13 years ago

I'm felling the TWW crazies, too. Hpt today and a . AF should arrive Fri. or Sat., and I hope the takes a 9 month vacation! I, too,am feeling a weird "full" pressure behind my pubic bone. That's the only difference between my usual PMS symptoms (sore bbs, backache, can't sleep, crampy) and this cycle. Thank goodness for internet cheapies, or I'd be bustin' the bank, LOL!!!!

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13 years ago

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