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TTC while Breastfeeding

Anyone out there still breast feeding but TTC? Is there any way to pinpoint ovulation?

~ Amanda

~ Amanda User Image

6 Replies • 13 years ago



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I am.. I have a 5 month old son. we are trying again soon because of my advanced maternal age...I'm 40 and we don't have much time! I just resumed menstration in November, I began charting my temp just this cycle and I did have a temp increase last wednesday. from everything I have read it is very difficult to know for sure except through temp spike because cervical mucus could present in wet, egg white and still not ovulate....body is trying to push estrogen to threshold but still may not ovulate. I ordered book "Taking charge of your fertility" and it has been a tremdous resourse.

13 years ago

Thanks for your help! I will check out that book.

Good luck to you!

~ Amanda User Image

13 years ago • Post starter

I'm breastfeeding my 12 month old, AF returned in November, I'm using OPK's and tracking symptoms. I've been having around 30 days cycles, O'ing around cd 20/21.

My last 2 children were also conceived while breastfeeding, using only OPK's to track ovulation.

13 years ago

Thanks Mama, I think we will be buying some OPKs this month or next.

~ Amanda User Image

13 years ago • Post starter

My daughter is 12m and my cycle returned in OCT but leautal phase is really short. 4days? WOAH have any of you tried soy Iso? is it safe while BFing? I have a pretty clear temp shift on O day.

12 years ago

I'm nursing my 9 month old and have been TTC since March. using OPKs last two cycles and got a positive on June 8th. I have had my period since Feb and have had long cycles - 36-40 days. Today is CD38 and no positive pregnancy test, yet. I'm only 12 days after ovulation though. I don't know.

Glad to have found other women breastfeeding and trying to conceive!

11 years ago

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