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5dpo - who wants to compare symptoms during the TWW?!

I am 5dpo today and wanted to share my symptoms so far!

1dpo - nothing
2dpo - mild cramping, bloating
3dpo - intense cramping, gurgling,
4dpo - burning sensation in uterus, gurgling, bloating
5dpo - bloating, gurgling, gas, twinging/tingling early in the morning on right side

I am trying not to get my hopes up, but I just feel pregnant!

Is anyone having these same symptoms so far?! I would love to share my journey of the TWW with someone!


111 Replies • 11 years ago



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hi! today i am 3 dpo and i would love to share symptoms through this!

0 dpo: mild cramps, sensitive breasts, pain on right side
1 dpo: low cramps, gas!
2 dpo:none
3 dpo:none yet...

11 years ago

How long have you been ttc? My husband and I just got married on June 30th and it just so happened that I was high fertility the week following.

It's nice to talk to others because right now I don't want to tell any of my family and close friends in case I don't end up being pregnant!


11 years ago • Post starter

my husband and i got married jan 2011. he has a 5yo (will be 6 this month) son from his previous marriage. this month is our first "official" month trying. last month we already decided we were going to start trying but didn't actively try but i was on antibiotics so i figured that might cancel out so we "tried" so i guess this month is really month 1 actually trying. i am so excited! i have only told a few people we are trying, especially because i had to go off of my meds (ADHD, migraine, tremor etc meds) and so you can tell i'm more all over the place/ not focused from before and i had to explain why i was that way so they understood

11 years ago

your symptoms sound just like mine...part of me feels pregnant...but ive gotten bfn's for the last five years and had symptoms of af then....i have had sore boobs undr the arms and feel heavy...nauseous last nite at 12:30 am all of a sudden...cramps and twinges going on, gurggling, gas and what not...i am 6 dpo today....trying not to get my hopes up either since ive always been dissapointed in the past...this cycle is my first ovulatory cycle without medication...i have pcos and irregular peridos....until my surgery in may 2012 since then i have had regular cycles each month with my monitor reading peak fertility on 7/5/12 and 7/6/12 cycle days 24 and 25.....praying that af doesn't come...but if she is going too wish she's show already

11 years ago

Jdawnmoore - I hope you have a successful first month! Keep me posted and I will do the same!

Ruthiejane - I'm sorry to hear that you have had such a tough time. It sounds like we are having similar symptoms. My peak days were 6 & 7 and my AF is 21/22. I have fairly short menstrual cycle and usually only have my period for 4 days. I hope you don't get your AF!


11 years ago • Post starter

I'd like to join you ladies :) This is my first official month of trying. Today I am 4dpo. Ovulation day I felt a lot of pain in my right ovary and cramping in my lower abdomen. 1dpo I still felt a little crampy. 2dpo I felt energetic and in a great mood. Been having really vivid dreams and lots of gas and bloating for 3 and 4 dpo. I went off birth control last month so I'm not really expecting a positive just yet, I've been taking b6 and vitex though to help my chances :)

DD born 05/20/2013 Angel Baby EDD- 12/25/2015 Born into heaven 04/27/2015

11 years ago

I'm 6 dpo and here's my story: I had Mirena for 5 years and the same time it was removed, I had a unilateral oophorectomy due to large cysts (but not PCOS) 3 weeks later (almost to the day and 30 days after the LMP before that) I got AF. My DH and I started BDing and we must have done it every day during my fertile peroid. I had all the symptoms of O'ing, and now, I'm EXHAUSTED all the time (to the point of napping after work and going to bed early) and mild cramping. I've had several telltale EP symptoms and unfortunately for my DH I'm sooooo moody in the last few days. I know it's too early to test and the wait is TORTURE!! I want to be preggo so bad but at the same time, and given my history, I am terrified of m/c.
Has anyone else ever been through this? What are you doing to pass the tumultous TWW?

11 years ago

avaann25: you are the same dpo as i am! and our symptoms sound pretty close! we will have to keep up with each other! we are very similar on everything else too! i stopped my BC last month!

11 years ago

This is our 9th month of trying. We actually managed to fall pregnant in November and in April but both ended in mc :o(

I am 6DPO (I think!) and feel totally knackered! Though that could be from this horrid weather, work stress or just not sleeping properly. I've had lower back ache and a few small twinges but nothing obviously symptomatic or pregnancy.
REALLY hoping for it this month as 3 girls at work are pregnant and I am NOT looking forward to watching them get their lovely baby belly's unless I can join them!

Baby dust to you all!

11 years ago

hopeful: i'm sorry to hear about your mc! but hopefully this will be your month!

today i am 7 dpo and i started the slighted pink tinted spotting yesterday. today it is definitely spotting (brown/pink). i have been having cramping almost every day since o, i feel more all over the place then normal. and this morning i keep having to pee! hopefully this is our month!!

11 years ago

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