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Not using OPK, trying to figure out when I ovulate

On Tuesday I thought I was ovulating because I started feeling very flushed and I had dull pangs on my left side (last month I had the same feelings, but the pain was on my right side, so I assumed ovulation.) The dull ache and twinges continued through Wednesday, leading me to think that maybe I was acutally ovulating then. Both days my CM was very slippery and wet. Today, I had the pangs and aches through most of the day, but they ceased around 3 pm, and my CM now appears to be more EW (I can stretch it a little between my fingers and it's showing up on the tp now.)Also, I've never had this, but my throat feels like it's getting sore/tight, and I just feel ucky. So now I am wondering if today my egg actually "dropped." Any insight from anyone??

Sidenote:DH and I BD every day of my fertile days, and some before, except for one day, but we've been continuing to BD just to cover all days pretty much. Think we've covered our bases?

5 Replies • 12 years ago



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If I BD'd that much I would need traction! Sounds like you definitely did all you can do this month! Now the horrible TWW starts! This is our first month TTC #2. I didn't buy any OPK's and now regret it. If no BFP this month I will definitely be buying some for the next cycle. I was hoping I would be able to tell by CM alone but on CD#14 I got what I thought was ovulation idication CM & we BD , and I had what I thought were some ovulation cramps, but then out of nowhere on CD#18 I got a definite EWCM on TP & quickly BD'd again just in case. Then I got online & realized that people with PCOS (which I have) can often get fasle ovulation cramps and/or CM. SO FRUSTRATING! Anyway...good luck & I hope your TWW flies by!

12 years ago

HAHA!! Well, I will say after all that BD, both of us are more than willing to take a few days off--it took us back to our younger days for sure!

I posted this AM again because I don't know if I really ovulated when I thought I did because I have the same symptoms still. I finally broke down and bought a digital OPK yesterday and tested in the afternoon and got a neg. But, I was feeling weird later, so I took one at 8pm and got the smiley (not going to lie, after feeling how excited I got from just seeing a smiley, the walls are really going to come down when I get a BFP!)

I tested again this AM and had another smiley. Now I am kicking myself for not buying the kit sooner--might have explained the ovulation type pains earlier in the week. I think I must not have actually ovulated the first time, and maybe my body is trying again?

I'm like you, I definitely thought I would know by my CM alone, but apparently not! I've read so many online articles and forums, I am starting to go cross-eyed. So perhaps I will just let nature do its thing!

Good luck to you, and thanks for the reply! I am sorry to hear of you PCOS frustrations, but how awesome that you were able to conceive and are now trying for #2!!

12 years ago • Post starter

Thanks! We were pretty amazed and SHOCKED to be able to have our one little miracle. But guess I'm a little greedy cause I sure would love two! I am definitely going to be getting an OPK next cycle if I don't get my bfp. I was confused because again this evening I had lots of CM and I thought I was 5 dpo based on the last CM. Now I don't know. It's worth it to buy the OPK just to avoid this confusion. Besides...I'm getting too old to BD all the time!!!!

12 years ago

Same problem for me this cycle. I'm pretty much guessing my O this cycle. If no BFP this month then I will by some OPKs for sure. I just thought I would try the old fashioned way since we just started trying. lol But I am so confused and unsure..

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12 years ago

Defintely on the same page! I wound up buying an OPK 3 days ago because I was having O symptoms after I thought I had already O'd. Good thing I guess because when I tested, it said I was having a surge, which means you're supposed to O soon. I had a positive OPK for two days and didn't check yesterday, but today it is negative-so I think that means O should have happened or will be soon! I think next time we will just try the old fashioned way, though, because this is really confusing! Good luck to you and hope you get that BFP!!!

12 years ago • Post starter

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