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Light periods after late miscarriage

I'm finishing up my 2nd cycle since I lost my son at a16 wks 4day.... and it is so light! I've always had farely heavy periods so I am so worried that this means I'm not going to get my BFP.. I want so bad to be pregnant again.... but at the same time I get so angry/ lost because I shouldn't be ttc... I should be buying my little guy a crib and clothes and enjoying planning on cuddles/ nursing again..... I really just feel so LOST... Are these light periods going to make my BFP hard to get??

10 Replies • 12 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

1 - 10 of 10 Replies

I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks 2 months ago. I know how you feel. I think I am ok and then I have moments of realization that I would be over 5 months pregnant at this point and it makes me so sad. It took us a year to get pregnant the first time (with our first iui) and now to have to do it again is so hard.

My first period was really light after the miscarriage, the second one was heavier but I didn't have my usual excruciating cramps this time. They say every pregnancy changes your cycles just a little bit so I wouldn't worry too much, you will get you bfp!

12 years ago

I know exactly what you are going through. I lost my little girl at 16 weeks 3 days. It has been two and a half years since we lost her and we are still waiting for the our BFP. Keep your chin up. It will happen for us.

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11 years ago

2 years would be such a long time... you are amazing!! I've actually just got my BFP a week ago.... really excited and nervous our rainbow baby is due 2 days before the year anniversary of our lost angel

11 years ago • Post starter

Congrats on your BFP! Yes, two years is a long time. Sometimes it feels like I lost her a lifetime ago. Praying my time comes quickly!

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11 years ago

thanks, the BFP is fantastic and also comes with a lot of fears I've never really had before... want the next 12 wks to fly by so that I can pass that 16 wks 4 day mark... I lost my little one in march and its weird that if feels like yesterday and forever ago at the same time... being angel mommies is one of the hardest things I think anyone has to deal with and no one gets it until they've gone through it ... I'll be sending lots of prayers and baby dust your way!!!

11 years ago • Post starter

Totally get what you mean about the fears. As much as I want the BFP, I know that I will be scared everyday until that little one is screaming in my arms.

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11 years ago

Hello! I had my first miscarriage October 22, 2010 (twins) at about 9 weeks. No D&C was performed. I had my second miscarriage June 1, 2012. I was 14 weeks along this time and had to have a D&C. My first period after the D&C was July 5-7, which was very short and light. I got a BFP last night and I am in shock since it took 1.5 years to get preggo the second time. I am scared to death of going through what I did with my last loss again. But I am so happy and excited and hopeful. I guess I just wanted to say hang in there to everyone who has been through it. I know what you have gone through, our last baby was supposed to be here just in time for Christmas, the twins would've been enjoying their second. Prayers and baby dust and good vibes all around!!! :)

11 years ago

First, I'm so very sorry for the loss of your son. I've experienced 2 losses this year. I know nothing about lossing your baby is sucks all the way around. :(

Secondly, it's completely normal for your cycles to change after a loss. Pregnancy and pregnancy losses can totally change your cycles. This may be your new "normal" or they may get heavier again, but having lighter periods does not mean that you're not ovulating. When you do ttc again, you can either chart and/or use OPK's to figure out if/when you're ovulating.

Once again, i"m so sorry for your loss. HUGS!

11 years ago

thanks it is no fun to be a mommy to an angel... sorry for your losses as well... it's tough to get over the trauma of labor and delivery of such a little angel... on good news though on our 4th cycle after our loss we are pregnant and scared to death... but so far things are going well and I can't wait for this pregnancy to zoom past so that I can be cuddling my little rainbow baby

11 years ago • Post starter

unfortunately we have lost our rainbow baby as well

11 years ago • Post starter

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