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May 2018 Babies

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I didn't see a group for May 2018 babies; so figured I'd jump in a start one!
Let's chat and support each other during this cycle.
I'm currently CD#2; this would be my 2nd cycle of TTC after a 2nd trimester loss in April.

Here's to lots and lots of and for all of us!

And lots and lots of BFP's!!!

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762 Replies • 7 years ago



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311 - 320 of 762 Replies | Last Page

Good evening Ladies.

Blue dyes are not reliable. Had 2 false positives a couple of cycles ago. I really dont recomend.

@110114 whats is an HSG for? My cutoff date to seek a fertility treatment is end of next month, so I am starting to ask questions to understand it all a bit better. Even though it is so complex!

Felt some cramps and lower pelvic pain on my right side today. Very much like my ovulation pain. Have also been discharging a bit. Every time I feel there is something coming out I run to the bathroom to wipe. Got nothing, just discharge. I am still a day or two away from my period. I should check my CM as you ladies mentioned. I just dont know what to look for nor what I will get from it.
Will test tomorrow first thing at 11DPO. Let's see what I get. This cycle has been weird, I am not as anxious as the other ones. I am really hoping I get a BFP tomorrow, but at the same time I just dont want to be disappointed again.

7 years ago

From what 110114 has explained it sounds like she's had a hysterosalpingogram - we don't abbreviate it here in the UK so I may be wrong - but it's where radio opaque dye is injected into the uterus and up the Fallopian tubes and images captured via X-ray to see if there are any blockages or visual problems that would stop the sperm from getting to their destination.
I used to work in radiology and have seen these carried out.
If all they've said that one tube looks a little thinner than the other then it sounds like they've not found much else that would mean you'd struggle to conceive, so sounds like you've got nothing to worry about.

@ksyd I didn't see that you uploaded a pic. I've had a quick look and I'm not sure that's positive but because it's a blue dye it's very hard to tell. They are so unreliable. I don't buy them anymore. They give you lines when you're not and you can't be 100% sure with them. Stick to pink dye or cheap dipstick tests. Keep us updated when you test again over the weekend. FX you get that clear bfp

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7 years ago

After the confusion with the my ovulation test yesterday, I have taken one this morning which I think is a lot lighter. I have uploaded to the gallery.

I have also done a side by side collage to see yesterday's and today's together.
Let me know what you think

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7 years ago

@tashuurr I think yesterday's looks darker than today's? I've heard some women never get a strong positive on the opks so guess it can be tricky knowing when you're at your highest peak. I've heard it can be handy to test twice a day in case you have a short surge?

It's cd59 for me, had my doctor's appointment this morning and he got me to do a urine test which unsurprisingly was negative, he said all I can do is wait for things to get regular again but I'd likely had an anovulatory cycle due to getting a chest infection.
I've updated my calendar with ov date of 18/8 as haven't had AF so thinking the positive opk must have been ovulation! Probably wishful thinking but feeling slightly nauseous with headache and bleeding gums when I brushed this morning. Likely coincidence but you never know, got to keep hopeful! It's only 6dpo though so still very early.

Hope everyone else is well today :)

DD born 18th April 2015 DS born 1st May 2018

7 years ago

Morning Ladies,
Before i went to bed last night I started cramping, felt like normal AF cramping. Woke up 1hr before my alarm went off, this has been happening all week. Luckily I can go back to sleep right after. Went to the bathroom to pee, wiped first, nothing down there. So found the courage to test and BFN, disheartening again. For a while i stared at the test and would see a line, vvvvvfl, but I realized my mind was playing games with me. Temp is still high, slightly lower than the previous days, but way above my coverline.
Sad day for me.
Wishing luck to the ladies waiting to test.

7 years ago

Good morning ladies. I hope everyone is doing well. Sorry for those who have gotten BFN's, it could still be early so please don't loose hope. I temped this morning under my tongue (first time temping orally and it was 96.5, then I remembered someone on here to temp in the cheek so I did my left cheek and it rose a whole degree to 97.5. So, I am obviously doing something wrong. Anyone have insight on how to orally temp? I know it's embarrassing to ask. Just wanted to say that last night my husband and I talked about having another one and how people have raised more than two kids in a small house (I have a 2 bdrm house) and gave me some encouragement that everything will be fine. I am still taking the vitamins and we are even considering shipping our daughter to my aunt's place so we can have some much needed alone time.

@prayingfor1. How are you feeling today? Days are counting down for you and it's getting close to testing time. Have you started testing or are you still going to wait?

@gabiperes. Good luck and I hope AF stays away for you.

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7 years ago

@gabiperes, Tashuurr, explained it perfectly. They just use a dye to see if there are blockages or anything like that. It's not the most comfortable procedure in the world, but it's not too bad. So far that's all I've had done. Assuming DH's results are normal as well, we'll probably just keep trying for a bit before turning to any other testing.

@Tashuurr, the one from yesterday does look fairly dark, but I'm terrible at interpreting them! Have you started testing twice a day? I know some women start testing twice a day to make sure they catch their surge. If it was me, I'd keep BDing every other day for a bit just to make sure. Good luck!

@dragonfly23, you can definitely manage two kids in a two bed. My parents had four in a three-bed house. I don't have any insight into your temping question, sorry!

to everyone!

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7 years ago

@110114. Thank you so much for your insight on having a smaller house. Growing up my parents had a 3 bedroom house for 5 people and managed just fine. Husband just said, "bunk beds" which is what my brothers used if I can remember that far back in the 90's lol. That's okay on the temping. I will figure something out or keep Googling till I find something that works.

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7 years ago

@dragonfly23 I read once that there are two heat pockets under your tongue, one each side. They will give you different temperatures but not as much as you measured. I am thinking that since you had just measured your temperature on one side, the thermometer didn't have enough time to cool down and that is why you got the large difference. My suggestion is to pick one side and stick to it. In the end it doesn't matter the number but the pattern you will find every cycle. So use always the same thermometer, temp every day at the same time (I have an alarm at 6 am just to do that, which works with my working schedule and during the weekends and go right back to sleep after temping).

@110114 and @tashurr thanks for explaining... Is that covered under insurance in the US? if not anybody knows what is to cost in the US?

Not having any symptoms today, AF is due today or tomorrow if my ovulation prediction was correct.
I was checking the charts on the fertility friend websites and was able to find a lot of pregnancy charts that had negative HPTs at 10 DPO. That gave me a little of hope. So will keep waiting.

7 years ago

@dragonfly23- I am feeling ok, not sleeping so well so I'm exhausted and I still have all of my other symptoms, but the nausea has gone away so I feel pretty good. I am still waiting until Saturday to test. I realized I did my math wrong, today is cd31, so unless I am having an unusually long cycle I am officially late as of today. Still no PMS signs and still no AF.

As for temping, from what I have been told as long as you use the same position and area every day it doesn't really matter. I am using under the left side of my tongue as close to the webbing as I can, that way I will remember.

7 years ago

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