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"Why aren't you pregnant yet" Friday

So yesterday was a bit of an emotional day for me. I had my french teacher ask me if my husband and I had children. I know it's a common question and that she was just making conversation but still I don't exactly want to shout out to the world that DH and I are having trouble TTC. That kinda dampened my spirits a bit, plus I was really tired by the time I got home.

Once I was home my DH kept disturbing my nap to go do something. So I got up and we ordered dinner and stopped on the way at the grocery store. All I wanted was a cream soda and maybe a dessert but alas no luck there. So now I'm tired hungry and disappointed and while we were waiting at the cash we got stuck behind this family with their new baby and they took forever. I had to leave, I ended up going down to sit in the car until DH could finish paying. It was either that or freak out in the store and I really didn't want to be that person.

Once we got home my sister started messaging as U had promised I would skype with them and my new niece. I love them and my niece is super cute when she's not screaming her head off (oh heck who am I kidding she's cute even when she's freaking out.) I should have know I wasn't really in the right mind frame to talk to them but I did and shortly after the conversation started I had my brother-in-law ask me if I had gotten my hair cut because I was pregnant. As if that is the ONLY reason a woman would get her hair cut... it's not even that much shorter, I just got bangs, otherwise there isn't any real difference. On the plus side I got to watch my niece pee on my sister and I found out that they'll be coming to visit.

To sum up I definitely felt like it was "Why aren't you pregnant yet" Friday, which sucks even more with this cycled being so screwed up. I'm 17 DPO and BFN. I have no idea whats going on with my body and I'm coming up on the longest my cycle has ever gone. I've never missed a period before but it had to happen the cycle before my scheduled IUI where I have a limited window before DH does away on a business trip. All I want is for my body to decide what it's doing, if I'm pregnant, Great! If not then PLEASE let AF show so I can start the medicated IUI cycle.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

2 Comments • 9 years ago



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1 - 2 of 2 Comments

Oh, I hope it's a bfp for you to make the wait worth the trouble. I hate that feeling too, so I'm just very, very private on letting anyone know we're trying. Those grocery store visits are hard enough without the family asking questions.

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9 years ago

Oh sweetie, I'm sorry you had such a rough day. A day like that would definitely cause me to shed some tears. I hope you're feeling a bit better now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that AF doesn't show for you and you get your BFP!! Big Hugs!

9 years ago

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