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November 2015 Babies!!

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It's a little early to start this forum, but since I'm skipping October because of a CP I figured I'd go ahead and start this anyway.

750 Replies • 9 years ago



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Do any of you ladies use Maca root? Its supposed to help egg development. I'm really curious to try it.
Also soy isoflavones is anyone on them or have been and had success getting pregnant? A lady I'm friends with just told me today how they had been trying for a quite awhile for their 2nd and she started taking them and BAM she's preggo with twins now! I guess its supposed to help you ovulate.

9 years ago

Hey, ladies, I'm joining you on this board. AF started Wednesday after a couple days of spotting, of course. We are hoping we are both healthy this month so we can truly focus on ttc. After this month we may look into an endocrinologist. I do have a question, though. Anyone else have issues with their libido? I feel horrible for not really wanting to do it, even though we want a baby! Any ideas or help would be great! GL ladies!

9 years ago

Jessyann- Really I am just watching what I eat and when I eat it. Big breakfast medium lunch and small dinner. Also trying to cut back on any pop even diet. Drinking a lot of water. Also, staying busy in the evenings.

mama2twins: GL and have fun .

ginabee- Welcome...sorry you feel out for the month, hopefully it was just late implanation. I also have a DS, he just turned 3.

Nharty: I know how you feel about the low libido. I think mine hates me too. I can go weeks without even an urge. Luckily my husband is classified as an otter (see book about what type of sexual person you are). I am a bee. TMI..I mean I enjoy it during the process but I usually don't initiate (unless its O time and that's only because I know we have to). Don't have any advise...just wanted to let you know your not alone! this month.

AFM: nothing new still waiting to O. I start OPKs yesterday and it was negative. This morning cervix was really high and had a temp dip really low, but I will take OPK this evening. I think its still to early because cervix is still shut pretty tight.

9 years ago

uGH! what is wrong with this site today? Anyhow got a positive opk and uploaded.. I can't get to it now but it did upload.. lol
Cd13 Hope we catch the egg this cycle.

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9 years ago

Well may have bad news hubby not feeling well. Ugh I'm going to be ovulating soon I hope he gets better or I'm already out. Sighs. Already missed yest and I can down stairs moisture this good time to start bding.frustrated

9 years ago

Kelley I'm so excited for you! I hope you catch an egg!

MAMA2TWINS - that is incredibly frustrating! I'll be honest I have been struggling with a sore throat and all three of my people have had some sort of crud over the last two weeks. I should be ovulating this weekend I canNOT get sick! I hope he starts feeling better soon!!! If not tell him to man up and get to bding... eeek!!

Niki, That's amazing! I wish I had your motivation. i do great in the morning but by the afternoon I eat SO bad and I have a desk job so that is killing me. If I could just get back to running that would help a LOT!! Anyway great job on the weight loss!

Jessica Married to Jeremiah 05/10/2003 Mom to Alyssa 11/14/2003 Autumn 05/15/2008 and our 10/30/2014 Asher Jeremiah due 11/30/2015 User Image

9 years ago

Hi everyone,

Sorry for those who got AF but good luck for November.

I had my baseline ultrasound for IVF this morning. Everything is good so I started my menopur injections to stimulate my ovaries tonight. My next ultrasound is next Friday.

Someone asked if this would be my 1st baby, yes it would be.

Baby dust to everyone.

9 years ago

Hey ladies! CD 3 here...starting my first medicated cycle this month. I am both nervous and excited! Is there anyone else doing Clomid? I am doing 50mg Clomid, Estradiol and Prometrium.


TTC #3 (in hopes of a girl) Me - 38 Hubby - 40 DS- 10, DS- 5

9 years ago

Jessyann well we did it. Very quickly. Lol no kissing. Wasn't what u call great bd lol but he went. My concern is I took opk came out negative today well all three. Line there getting darker but I do have some wet and some stretchy clear cm. So hopefully at least I'm fertile. my eta for ovulation is like the 9th so....hope we didn't do to early if he's out of the game rest of weekend.fx for me and for everyone. I hope you don't get sick either. Doesn't make it easy does it. My other two have coughs and everything and I just got over a cold a week ago and recovering from cold sore yikes

9 years ago

Can someone check my chart? I didn't have any dip. But yesterday my temp spiked which gave me a cover line. And yesterday was first day I seen positive opk. My temp stayed up this morning.. So maybe I ovulated yesterday???

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9 years ago

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