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November 2015 Babies!!

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It's a little early to start this forum, but since I'm skipping October because of a CP I figured I'd go ahead and start this anyway.

750 Replies • 9 years ago



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501 - 510 of 750 Replies | Last Page

Rerun - I can't test early because of hcg trigger shot I had during ivf. I think I'll just stick to the date they gave me March 10.

9 years ago

Carla-good luck! I Can't wait for next Tuesday! Less than 1 week to go

Jessyann and idk3333- good luck! Go catch that egg

Carla and rerun- hope u get a good luck!

Kbervin- great to hear from you girl! Thank you. I'm a little worried about it though yet because my betas were low so the RE is checking my Tuesday to see if this baby implanted in the uterus. Praying we have a healthy bean growing! How are you?

Me 39. DH 35 TTC since Nov 2013 Me-2 DD 8 & 9 from prev. relationship Clomid Cycle 1-MC 7/22 cycle 2 & 3 BFN 1st IUI February 2014 BFP on 2/22 4/2 blighted ovum IUI 2-6 BFN IUI #7-100mg clomid, follitism, novarel

9 years ago

I'm pretty sure I'm out for this month, I'm 13 DPO today and I got another BFN this morning. I'm pretty sure AF will be here in the next day or two, it feels like she will be. So I guess I'm moving over to the December board soon.

Me: 27 DH: 31 TTC #1 since January 2015 & User Image

9 years ago

Ok... going to try and catch up with everyone!

ReRun - Love all the baby magic! Hopefully that's a good sign for all of us. It's pretty cool you're using herbs and acupuncture this cycle. Hope your lack of symptoms is a good sign and you get your BFP!

JessyAnn - Keep staying positive and try to find some relief from work stress!! I know it's so much easier said than done but you don't need all that drama when you're TTC. Hope you get a lot of BDing done this weekend!

nharty - Maybe the relaxed outlook will help you get a December baby. Big hugs and we're all rooting for you!!

idk - Bring on the positive OPK! Have fun BDing!

Kelley - I'm so sorry this cycle is stressing you out and playing with you. Fingers still crossed you get some good news. If my SIL can get pregnant at 39 after years of thinking she couldn't conceive anymore, you can, too!!

Margie - Any clarification on when you O'd yet? What book are you reading? I'm a huge book-fan, myself.

Carla - FX you get your BFP in a week!!

xomandy - Which did you decide to stay on? Temps still dropping? I didn't take clomid or anything this cycle. Just preseed and softcups, which I really think helped us conceive quickly.

AFM - I told DH on Tuesday night by giving him a little gift bag with the positive test in it and a box of our favorite chocolates. He got home from work and immediately saw the bag and asked what it was and why I got him something. As soon as he took out the tissue and saw the test in the bag he got all excited and gave me a big hug. Made me feel so good to see his reaction was so positive! So glad I didn't just send him a picture at work like I did last time because I was too excited to wait. :) Now just trying to figure out how to tell our immediate families (parents and siblings). When I was pregnant with the twins we put our son in a "Big Brother" shirt and let him do all the talking, so I don't want to do the same thing this time around. Any suggestions?! Haha

Other than that, I'm hungry, really gassy, and that's about it. Nervous because I haven't even missed AF yet, so hopefully I'll feel a little more relaxed after This weekend has come and gone and there's been no AF.

GL to all the ladies still waiting for their November babies!!

Me: 29 DH: 30 DS: 11/28/12 Twins: 7/9/14 User Image User Image

9 years ago

@Gina, that is cute!!!! I have always imagined how I would tell my husband.. When we miscarried the last two times he was with me when I tested, this time I will not tell him until I find a creative way.

@Book, me too girl! Sorry it wasn't our month. Good Luck next month. I am 14DPO today and should start today so we can be cycle buddies LOL

@Rerun, Thanks for the info about stress!!! Yes we have had a lot of BFP this month :-) Hopefully we will all see just as many next month.

@Jessy, Fingers crossed you ovulate on time! I hate waiting for that :-)

@nharty, Good Luck and I totally understand the taking a step back. We all have to every now and then.

AFM, waiting impatiently for AF to show up so I can call the Dr and start a new cycle!

9 years ago

Good morning ladies,

ginabee - I'm going based on when my cervix and CM said I was likely to O and it's when my BBT started to increase. I'm reading Vision in Silver by Anne Bishop. She's one of my favourite authors and the book was just released this week. The down side to that is that now I have to wait another year or more before the next book in the series is released.

bookgirl and xomandyxocheyxo - I'm sorry you feel like you're out for this cycle. I hope if AF does show that you get you BFP and get a wonderful holiday baby.

Rerun - We managed to get a snow day here today so I'm going to snuggle up, finish my book and probably watch movies and knit. How bad is the rainy season there?

Jessyann - Hopefully you'll O on the weekend. I know what you mean that it's easier to manage on the weekends than during the week. Have fun BDing.

nharty - I really hope the not focusing on it will help and that you'll get your BFP very soon.

Idk - I love reading but I have been to the local library in a while... When I really like a book I like to keep rereading it to see if there are aspects that I missed. unfortunately this led to a lot of late fees at the library. Thanks for the input on the BBT. Have fun BDing!

kelley - I'm so sorry to hear your temps are dropping. I wish I could give you a hug through the computer.

AFM - My wonky month continues. My temps are still increasing, though not by large jumps and last night I had some spotting. It was bright red like AF but it only showed up when I wiped and even then not every time. I've never spotted mid cycle before(or mid TWW as the case may be). I may start testing on 11DPO, which is Sunday. I figure If this was IB then perhaps it'll show up on a test by then.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

mandy - We'll be cycle buddies, come on over to the December board with me LOL

nharty - I understand taking a break. If you change your mind pop over to the December board, I believe we're on roughly the same cycle and I read you profile and it seems you've had the same issues I've had with cycles, etc. It's comforting to know someone has gone through the same thing and you're not alone.

margie - I have my fingers crossed for you that it's IB!! I have my fingers crossed for a holiday baby, my birthday is in December so maybe it'll be a good month for me!

kelly - I'm sorry your Temps are dropping.

to everyone who's trying to catch the egg and who's in the TWW!

Me: 27 DH: 31 TTC #1 since January 2015 & User Image

9 years ago

Is there a December Board already??? I never seen the link to it.

9 years ago

My temp went up a little from yesterday. 98.04 to 98.13
My cover line is 97.70
AF still a no show

User Image

9 years ago

December board is here:

Hopefully, that link works.

Me: 27 DH: 31 TTC #1 since January 2015 & User Image

9 years ago

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