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Private Testers Support Group Part 4!

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Our "secret" group continues unabated!

CD 6 for me, wheeeeeee...not much side effects on the Femara so far but I do have some night sweats happening.

604 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hey girls, full-blown AF came last night. I am doing ok. Jealous of JLH's guac ;) Walked 5 miles in 57:40 this morning which is my best time so far this year. Gonna call the doc tomorrow morning and make sure we have a plan in place. Hoping I won't need the ultrasounds again and can just do the IUI based on LH surge. My LP this month was short but I wonder if I just ovulated a bit earlier than I thought.

Hope everyone has a good day!

10 years ago • Post starter

@jlhart: sorry your back is achy :( hopefully is a good sign!!!

@luv: sorry about AF :( I'll be interested to hear what the new plan is!

@cam: hey honey!!

Afm: we head home today. Praying the plane trip goes ok!! We won't have our own row this time so it'll be cramped.

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10 years ago

Luv, can't wait to hear your next step! Great job in your walk too that's wonderful;)

SMH, it feels more like I pulled something on the left side of my back? The heating pad helped. How was the trip home??

Hope you all are well and had a great weekend:)

AFM, So my interview is at one today I did some research yesterday, praying it goes well. I'm CD30 today will see if she starts to show soon seeing as ovulation was about 13-14 days ago according to the last something should happen soon right?!

10 years ago

Oops double post

10 years ago

@JLHart22 - Good luck with your interview today! Here's to hoping af doesn't show up. I am just hoping to get my house work caught up. And my sister graduates from Agriculture on Thursday!!

@So_much_hope- Welcome home! Hope the plane trip went well.

@luvtowalkfast- Sorry to hear about af :(. Great walking time! Good luck with your plan for this cycle!

CD 31. Was kind of expecting af any day now. Who knows when that is going to happen. No symptoms of anything really. Just slightly sore breasts/nipples. Helped my sister buy a vehicle over the weekend. And found out I need to get my bridesmaid dress altered or else I may lose the ladies at the wedding next month!

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10 years ago

@jlhart: good luck!! Sorry your back is still bothering you :( boy do I hope AF stays away!!

@blue: thanks!! CD31 and no AF! Pretty good!! I hope that means a BFP :)

Afm: we made it home! Felt so good to be in my own house last night!!! I am so exhausted. All I want to do is sleep today but I have to start going through nanny applications... So not wanting to. And I'm sooooo sad. Everytime I think about leaving Rella my heart breaks.

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10 years ago

Blue, I'm with SMH, hoping you have a BFP on the making!

SMH, happy you made it home! Sorry about the nanny situation :(

AFM, think AF is coming...I honestly feel ok. We are pushing our trip to the weekend which makes me happy in the event she does show so we can start again...

10 years ago

@jlhart: I pray she doesn't show!! Glad you were able to push your trip :)

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10 years ago

JLH hope your interview went ok! I hope AF stays away but I'm glad you're okay with it :) It's nice to have a plan!

SMH sounds like you got a lot of nannies interested, that's good! It will be hard to leave Rella but maybe nice to get out of the house? I've heard that's a lot of what drives new moms crazy ;)

bluerose glad you haven't seen AF yet!! FX that it's your month! :)

AFM CD 3 and started letrozole again today. Not bothering with u/s this month so at least it won't be a crazy-expensive cycle! Just the IUI. I posted a pic of my Ovidrel trigger tests:

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies,

The interview went well and I have another tomorrow with a different company. Just seeing what's out there. Thought I saw some pink earlier when I went to the ladies room, but since then nothing. So in really hoping if I start I will soon so I can get to the doctor in time ya know?

10 years ago

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