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CD5- Need a Buddy! I am officially Despirate.

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So i've been stalking this website for the last 3 months. I've been able to calculate my cycle length (30 days).

My first day of bleeding in march was 3/21 and ended 3/24 (short bleeding this month). This leaves me at Cd5 (please correct me if i'm wrong, still getting the hang of this).

Last month I couldnt track O because of a cold I had, BD and I were taking penicilin before our anniversary trip to cut the infection and we both got a yeast infection (yikes). This was exatly during my O week and I had some icky thrush.

Going out to buy OPKs for the first time after work today. (so nervous)

Anyone want to join adventures? :-)

225 Replies • 10 years ago



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W are close together this cycle! I'm cd12 and have gotten all neg so far. I haven't tested yet today cuz I do it around 2pm.

I have never seen a positive because I don't ovulate. But I'm hoping femera will help my this cycle. Clomid helped me once! And it happened to be the cycle I didn't use opks. And I got preg but miscarried!

I hope you get your positive opk soon. Save some money next cycle. <--- PLEASE CHECK THAT OUT 1ovulation, 1pregnancy, and 1 miscarriage 2012 :( Current cycle - femera TBD

10 years ago

I was going to ask you all about testing. I drink a lot of water (especially pre-O) to help increase CM, so I noticed that I can only get a good read on OPK's with FMU. If I test afternoon, nothing ever shows up bc urine is so diluted. Do you guys think that's okay? Just wondering.

Yes, we are all very close..within 2 days of one another! We have to keep this forum going!

Keeping fingers crossed for your Femara Lynnie1870!

Good luck all!

10 years ago

This Is my first month usin opks- I'm so scared of getting all negatives this month. I had a cyst back in July that ruptured. Wasn't too pick but I also had an infection I was unaware of. I'm all cleaned up and back on a normal cycle but I'm afraid of finding out I don't ovulate maybe due to damage. Ugh idk what to think. I heard with the cvs brand it's hard to determine positives and negatives.

I really want to use the pre seed but I don't want to just pull out the tube. It isn't very sexy looking. Lol. Have to find a way to sneak it on me before the magic happens. *sneaky laugh*

10 years ago • Post starter

The cyst wasn't too big*

10 years ago • Post starter

When you know your gonna bd then take the pub to the bathroom before hand and he won't know! I recommend not using as much as the box says because it's just too much! We just use it as a lube for dryness now during bd times <--- PLEASE CHECK THAT OUT 1ovulation, 1pregnancy, and 1 miscarriage 2012 :( Current cycle - femera TBD

10 years ago

Hope, I'm sure you're fine! It was small and often times we ladies get them and never even know. Women get preggers all the time with them, so don't fret!

I just keep the pre-seed in the bathroom cabinet and "go to the bathroom" right before BD time. That way the hubs doesn't know lol

10 years ago

Lmao! I love you guys! I saw a really good deal online for the preseed with same day shipping and 2 early pregnancy test for 21.00. Not too bad of a deal.

10 years ago • Post starter

CD10 over here. Huge increase in watery cm and negative on opks. My cycles have been rather strange lately. Ranging from 26-29 days the last two were 27 and 26 which made me fall on cd13 for ovulation. Soooo that's why I'm testing earlier then normal. I'm willing to bet by tues I'll get a pos opk. I know my body is getting ready due to the massive increase in cm. I started shopping for my opks when I got and I got the wondfos from amazon. I've been trying to find the first response opks but every time I go to get some they are sold out Anyways let's keep all up to date here. We're all getting closer

10 years ago

Ok ladies.....what's up?? I'm sure we're all getting anxious. With any luck we'll keep each other sane during the ttw :)

10 years ago

CD 11 here! OPKs negative still. I use the Wondfo strips from amazon. We conceived the first cycle we used them but ended in CP last month @ 4w6days and decided to try again right away this cycle. Hoping to O on time around thursday or friday.

GL ladies! I'm also on the december board and there are a lot of ladies in different stages of their cycle all hoping for a december baby. you should join in!

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10 years ago

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