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Private Testers Support Group Part 4!

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Our "secret" group continues unabated!

CD 6 for me, wheeeeeee...not much side effects on the Femara so far but I do have some night sweats happening.

604 Replies • 10 years ago



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@afmedic: I'm glad your eating has calmed that all bladder down and the tubes are helping your little girl. :)

@luv: that is a sick version of fun! Is rather gargle glass than walk that far! Well not really.. But still.

@clove: sounds like your sweet baby is doing great! I'm happy to hear from you! Enjoy the last few days of scheduled activities:)

@jlhart: taking the day off for flooring? That's serious stuff!! I thought guys were supposed to let the women make all the decorating decisions? Lol. I definitely married a man that loves making those decisions :( unfortunately!!

AFM: Foot still hurts. Going to lactation group today. Hopefully Rella's weight was not stunted again by the second round of mastitis!

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10 years ago

@So_much_hope- Ah, I wish life would let up on you! Sorry to hear about the sore foot and hope your mastitis clears up fast!

@JLHart22- Yahoo for Friday!! Good luck picking out flooring!

@luvtowalkfast- I am jealous of your idea of fun. I wish I shared the same one haha.

@afmedic109- Sorry to hear about the gallbladder issues! :( Glad to hear the tests came back good!

My goodness, I have basically only been home to eat and sleep. We bought a boat the other day so we have been out fishing. Preparing to have a garage sale Saturday (I am working so hopefully the man can figure it out :P). And SO MUCH YARD WORK! I still have to finish planting my vegetable garden but it keep thunderstorming. So I guess I'll be planting in the mud! I work Fri, Sat, Sun so everything needs to be done today!

Also, I randomly took my temp this morning. And it seems to be low. So I have no idea if/when I even ovulated this cycle.

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10 years ago

@blue: thanks for the kind words! And sorry about the low and confusing temp! Holy shnikies girl you have one crazy BUSY life!!!! My head spun reading all that is going on with your family. The idea of your dh running a garage sale makes me chuckle as my guy would never do it. Lol. Good luck with everything!

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10 years ago

You guys are extra quiet giving me nothing to read sigh* it's ok I'm doing ok eating cereal for dinner no excitement over here. Since I'm ntnp I believe that in all actually in the end relaxation is a virtue so that's what we should do. I'll be 34 in August where is the time oldest will be 13 in July. Neither one of my daughters have received their menses yet, yayy but I know it's coming. They are growing up so fast. My dh text me this morning telling me that he loves me and wants me to have his children. GOD knows I'm beyond ready but I have to relax......anyways I just wanted to unload my thoughts on our quiet thread. I miss the excitement in ttc but not the disappointment when af arrives. I'm cheering and praying for us long timers.hopefully I'll read two or three bfps soon.

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10 years ago

Hey ladies!! I was off from my job today but me and the hubs worked on things for the house majority of it. Then he dropped me off at the nail salon while he went to get a hair cut...then more shopping for the house. LOL! Just ready for it to all come together!! I'm feeling better, still some slight discomfort hit not too bad. I had to have ovulated as they said so we are past that and in the TWW.

Cam, hey chica!!! It's coming...for us all ;)

Blue, how did the yard work go? Is your hubby ready for the yard sale?! That's cool!

SMH, how are you? Your feet feeling better??

Luv, how are you??

AFMed, hope all is well!

Clove, hey! How's it going?

Hope you all have a great weekend!!

10 years ago

@jlhart22- He is! We went into my granny's place last night and set it all up. So now all he has to do is get the kid up nice and early to be ready to sell stuff by 8. Good luck in the TTW. Hopefully all the house stuff comes together soon. And I got most of the yard work done. Actually it's been so hot with thunderstorms all the grass and weeds are hard to keep up with. My yard is too large. haha

@Camasia- Children grow far too fast!! At first I was all excited to see my son's milestones (walking, talking, school ect.) And now it feels as if it's all going too fast! I agree that relaxing is a fantastic idea.

@So_much_hope- He pretty much had no choice haha. I have been wanting to have one for so long!! But I can't just set one up at home. So he agreed to sell the stuff if I got it all organized.

Woke up at 5 am for work this morning. I am tired already. It's that time of year where I really have to drag myself to work to work weekends haha.

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10 years ago

Cam loved reading your post! I really think good things are coming to you. Relaxing is the best plan ever. And wow your kids are sure growing up!!

bluerose you are one busy beaver. I am sleepy just reading about your life right now. It must be nice to be busy though because there is less time to think about TTC! Have you called your doc office to bitch them out for not calling you yet? I am actually furious with them on your behalf!!

SMH thinking of you and your foot and boobs today! I hope everything clears up soon. You've been through enough, dangit.

JLH the house is coming along nicely! What are your kitchen and bathroom color schemes, or do you know yet? I like HAVING a new house but it's hard work to CREATE a new house ;)

clove hello! Wowza seems like your baby was just born yesterday and now he's rolling around! Time flies but enjoy it :)

AFM 5ishDPO, today is the latest I've "slept in" in a week. Every day I have gotten up around 5 AM through no fault/intention of my own. Got up at 7:30 today. I think the progesterone is making me tired because I am totally pooped by 8 PM too. Typical post-O symptoms otherwise and I have been feeling woozy like my electrolytes are off. It's either from the trigger shot, from race recovery, or from walking 20 miles over the last 3 days in higher heat/humidity than I'm used to. Taking it easy today! Hope everyone has a good weekend!

10 years ago • Post starter

Morning ladies! Been thinking about all of you and sending out positive vibes. Hope some of you have had good things happening during my absence.
After my first round of clomid I decided to see if my period would come on its own without having to take provera. After 73 days the witch finally made her appearance. Not the best but at least the cycle wasn't horribly long. Been using a fertility monitor for this cycle, and finally had it change last night. Kmfx that it means I'll ovulate sooner rather than later. Haven't taken clomid at all this time. On CD14 today.

How is everyone?

10 years ago

michgurl holy cow! Glad to see you! That is so crazy that your cycles are nuts even on Clomid. Did you ovulate on a normal CD on Clomid? Are you going to an RE? I am so curious about what you've been up to :)

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey all! Thinking about you ladies! My boobs are back in action but my foot is killing me :( hoping for BFPs!

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10 years ago

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