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Private Testers Support Group Part 4!

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Our "secret" group continues unabated!

CD 6 for me, wheeeeeee...not much side effects on the Femara so far but I do have some night sweats happening.

604 Replies • 10 years ago



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@luv: that's some serious walking! I hope this tww flies by for you and I'm looking forward to the photos of your experiment :)

Yes, my milk is waaay down again :( I finally got Rella off the supplemental bottles last Wednesday then got mastitis again the following day.

It sucks the pg girls have gone mia. Id love to hear how they are doing!!

Afm: So I had the alcohol injection in my foot for my neuroma yesterday and my foot hurts like hell today.

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10 years ago

I promise I have not ditched yall I try to follow along when I can, but things have been chaotic lately. You guys have so much going on yourself, I did not want to make it seem like I was complaining about pregnancy related stuff/and my life stresses, its not fair to ya'll. The basic gist of what is going on... My husband is still recovering for knee surgery, I have developed gall bladder issues with this pregnancy, work is so full of drama (I think my hormones are rubbing off on them), My anatomy scan showed what they think is an EIF in the heart, which is normal but abnormal and causes no issues, but have to go back in 5 weeks to make sure that it what it is, and to check on his lungs and growth, there was a scare that a chromosomal anomaly may be present but all other test came back good and we are thankful for that. To top things off was told today that I may not be able to VBAC, so have an appointment with a doc on 17 June to go over what my options are. I do think of you guys often and Do apologize for being MIA, hear lately just seems like I am barley able to keep up with my normal things and something always happens throwing me a curve ball.

10 years ago

@afmedic: hey!! So glad to see you. So sorry you are dealing with so much tho. My word! I pray the baby is ok. Even if it's a normal abnormality it's not fun to have to deal with. And your gal bladder too?? What are you having to do for it? I hope your dh's recovery continues very quickly. I will definitely keep you and your little family in my prayers. Hugs!!

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10 years ago

AFMed, happy to hear from you! Thanks for letting us know how things are going, although things are a bit crazy for you? We missed you and have been in our thoughts. Hope your DH gets better soon and that all is well with the baby! How's your dd?

SMH, hate to hear about your foot? Anything you can do for it??

Luv, get it girl!!! You are on it ;) glad you're feeling good!

AFM, all is well tomorrow is my Friday!!

10 years ago

@jlhart: yay for your Friday tomorrow!!! I don't think there is anything I can do for my foot. Just wait it out I guess.

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10 years ago

Thank you Ladies...

SMH- I have to stick to a low fat diet and avoid a whole bunch of foods, which really is not a problem cause I am really not hungry. It's more of treating the symptoms. My gall bladder looks good, but they said my symptoms are a sign it inflames or something. I had a lot of pain but they could not get me in for the ultrasound till 2 weeks later, and the pain was better, after I had changed my diet myself, so they said they are going to treat it as it and just watch it.

Jada- DD is doing great her tubes have really helped her out, she talking so much more, just hoping she continues to improve. Military has us on the EFMP because of it not sure if you heard of it. Yeah for a long weekend I hope you enjoy it.

10 years ago

SMH, I hope rest will help then!!

AFMed, that's great and I'm sure she will keep improving!

10 years ago

SMH oh no hun! I hope your foot heals quickly! How do you feel today?

JLH hey girly! How you feeling? Did you get to BD again? ;)

afmedic hi!! Good to see you! But I'm sorry to hear that the pregnancy has been tough. Glad the diet is helping somewhat with the issues but that sounds like so much stress piling on. It's sweet of you to think of us with regard to "complaining about pregnancy" but don't worry about that. We are here for you! :)

AFM I feel pretty good so I'm gonna walk 10 miles this morning. My idea of "fun" is pretty weird :-P

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi I am still around although it has been awhile.
Good luck to those waiting for bfp's.
smh sorry about the mastitis I had that a few times with my other kids it hurts.
Sorry if I missed anyone busy morning. My kids last few days of school are here and I get to go spend all morning at their school today for awards and then a dance festival. My baby is doing good. He is rolling all over and already trying to push up on his hands and knees. He will be 5 months on the 6th of June. Anyway I will try to write more later.

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10 years ago

Morning ladies!

Luv, look at you!! Getting it in, enjoy it :) We were both exhausted last night so no bd'g :( Hopefully Tuesday was good and we will again tonight.

Clove, good to hear from you, enjoy all the events with the kiddos!!

AFM, I am ok, still a little achy in my lower abdomin..but it's all good. Here at work and it's my Friday, we are both taking off tomorrow to go to GA to look at flooring for the house since my hubby can't be content with what we already picked out...ugh!!

10 years ago

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