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Private Testers Support Group Part 4!

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Our "secret" group continues unabated!

CD 6 for me, wheeeeeee...not much side effects on the Femara so far but I do have some night sweats happening.

604 Replies • 10 years ago



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Luv: thanks for the tip on temping. I haven't tried it before...couldn't hurt! I got out of the habit of using my OvaCue. I should start that up again too. As for twins, it wouldn't be my first choice, but I wouldn't be cursing the heavens if that were my fate. There are some enticing benefits, I think (two for one, and be done!). But I have two conditions that already are going against me complications wise, so I really don't need the added risk of twins.

AFM: I'm on my way for my second blood test to confirm my loss (just to be 100% positive it's not an ectopic). I feel completely not pregnant, so I'm sure I'm fine.

On that note, I thought I'd share something that kind of surprised me. The first symptom I had this past month of my pregnancy, that was different from any other post O symptom, was the feeling of "car sickness", that and an unusual headache. They were both rather pronounced, and I tested faintly positive within a day of them coming on. No sore boobies, no markedly extreme fatigue, as I hear others describe. I think that going forward TTC, I won't be getting as excited over potential symptoms unless they're one of the two I had with this pregnancy. That thought gives me a little peace since every month has been such a roller coaster ride!

Anyway, I hope you all are having a lovely day. :)

10 years ago

@Law: I know you are so relieved to be done with classes!! And FX'd you passed the sugar test and won't have to bother with the 3 hour one!!

@ JLHart: Glad your DH is on his way back... if he isn't back already!! I am a little behind! Haha :)

@ Camasia: May 5th is getting closer and closer!!! Will be nice for you to get a break from classes :)

@SMH: So sorry about the pumping/BF problems... You are definitely an inspiration!!

@AFMedic: Wow... 17 weeks!!! Seems like you just announced your BFP!! :) Hope your daughter and hubby's procedures go well!!! Will be thinking of all of you :)

@Luv: 8 mile walk??? Wow!! Super impressive. I believe I would have had to call someone to pick me up and give me a ride back home... Haha!! :) Glad you finally had a good BM!! And FX'd for a great progesterone level!!!!

@Amag: Yay for the great heartbeat!! :) It's so relieving getting to hear that precious sound :)

@Heaven: I am so sorry about your loss! It's great that you are trying to stay positive. I know that it's hard to be positive about that but in the end it's the best thing to try to do. Like you said at least you know that yall can get pregnant. FX'd for the next bfp to be a extra sticky baby :)

AFM: Thankfully, I passed my 1 hour glucose tolerance test, so no 3 hour one for me :) And I received my Rhogam injection, which wasn't all that bad. It definitely was a more thick fluid so you definitely felt it going in but it was over quick. Well, back to work for me.... Hope everyone has a great Monday!!!! :)

10 years ago

@luvtowalkfast- Glad to hear you had a good bm! And I agree waiting ovulate always seems to take so long for some reason! It's pretty rainy here as well. :(

@lawbride88- Hope your glucose test results are good! I am happy I got to skip that part haha.

@HeavenSparked- So sorry for your loss. And I agree. You can't really rely on symptoms. I never used to get sore breasts except for when I had been pregnant. And then suddenly for the last 4-5 months they have been sore every time. haha

@1stTTCMommy- Glad to hear your injection wasn't so bad!! Hope you have a great day at work!

AFM, about 4 dpo. I am so sleepy today but it's also very grey and rainy so I think that's why. Which also makes my son quite grumpy apparently since it's not much fun to play outside. Even though I said ok to the ice cream cake for birthday breakfast ha. I have my ultrasound tomorrow morning. I am not sure how much information she can actually give me. So I will likely have to wait until I talk to np sometime.

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10 years ago

1st--yay! I'm glad you passed. That's great. I hear that lots of people fail the one hour. Eeks. I hate shots. I'm going to ask my doc about getting the whopping cough vaccine at my next appointment.

Blue...Mmmm ice cream cake for breakfast. I like. Haha. I hope you get some rest.

10 years ago

Hi ladies,

Tornado weather here in AL so just relaxing and waiting for it to pass...

Law, basically trying to cut out dairy and red meat, more veggies and fruits...and more water. Everything I like (soda, chocolate, cheese, etc) I'm not to have and things I don't i.e. Beans I need to eat. Also doing a fertility cleanse, liver first then uterus, plus the acupuncture... Fun times! LOL...glad all is going well for you! And time is moving soooo fast!

1st, yeah for passing!! The DH made it late last night, but it's so good to have him home :) Hope they didn't work you too hard today!

Luv, whoop whoop! Sounds like you had a "productive" day, lol! My weekend was good! Worked out, had another massage, acupuncture, picked out trim for the house and caught up on a lot of the Voice! So overall it was good! Can't wait to hear your numbers tomorrow!!

AFMed, wow time IS moving! Like the others I pray all goes well next week! I have a PT test Monday...blah :( LOL I haven't been running, so that won't be fun...

Hope the rest of you are doing well!

AFM, cd19 and we were able to bd last night...and I had some cm yesterday so maybe I'm still O'g around cd18?! That would be GREAT!

10 years ago

@JLHart22- Oh goodness! I hope the bad weather passes soon. One of my worst fears is tornadoes! Does not help that I do not have a basement. Hopefully you ovulated on cd 18 and got some good timed bding in!

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10 years ago

Hey ladies hope I'm not intruding haven't spoken to you all in a while but have been thinking of you all and quietly cheering you on. Hope you are all keeping well...and keeping your heads up!

Congrats to cam on her test results and all the best with your final!

Mi Amor 22/2/2013 User Image

10 years ago

Morning ladies!! I passed my glucose test. Yay. Low iron though so I have to start taking a supplement or actually get consistent with multi vitamin.

Jada--that sounds intense. How long are you doing this diet?

Arich--hello :)

10 years ago

Arich: Good to see you! This is one adictive board to follow!

Good Morning ladies!

10 years ago

@janise it always has been! These ladies supported me and I'll continue to support them even if it is silently :)

Mi Amor 22/2/2013 User Image

10 years ago

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