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Your profile



Profile privacy

To change who can see information on your profile visit your Account settings > Privacy. (Location, trying to conceive since, number of children, about me)

Public: Any visitor to the site will be able to view the items listed above

Members: Only members who are logged in to the site will be able to view the items listed above

Friends only: Only members who are in your friends list (and logged in) will be able to view the items listed above

Nobody: Only you will be able to view the items listed above

Note: All site visitors will be able to see your username, friends lists, badges and public photos and posts listed on your profile.



Add an image to the "About me" section on your profile page

To add an image your "About me" use the [img] tag.


Be sure that the image tag contains the full url to the image, photo or ticker image (including the http://).

HTML is not permitted.



Add a ticker to your profile page

Visit the tickers section of the site and select the type of ticker you would like. Enter all the requested information and click the "Create ticker" to generate your ticker and code.

You will need to select the BBCode code snippet. Select and copy the code to your clipboard then visit the Edit profile page and paste the copied code into the "About me" text area. Click the "Save profile" button.



Add/edit your signature

To add or edit your post signature:

  1. Visit your profile and click Edit profile
  2. Scroll down to the Posts signature text box
  3. Enter your desired text or image/ticker (see below)
  4. Click Save profile

To add an image or ticker to your signature use the [img] tag.


Be sure that the image tag contains the full url to the image, photo or ticker image (including the http://).

HTML is not permitted.

Visit the tickers page to create a ticker and get your ticker code. Use the BBCode code snippet.



Change your profile photo

Personalize your account by adding a profile photo:

  1. Visit your profile page
  2. Click Edit profile button
  3. Click PROFILE PHOTO tab
  4. Select an option for which type of image you would like to use (Upload an image, create an avatar or select from gallery)
  5. For the "Create an avatar" option, you will be taken to the "Avatar creator" to create and save your image. You will then need to return and upload the avatar using the "Upload" option.
Your uploaded photo must be at least 240px x 240px.



Change your cover photo

Personalize your profile by adding a cover photo:

  1. Visit your profile page
  2. Click Edit profile button
  3. Click COVRER PHOTO tab
  4. Select your photo and adjust, rotate, zoom
  5. Click Save cover photo
Your uploaded cover photo must be at least 800px x 450px.

Note: Your cover photo will display slightly differently depending on your screen size and device.