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Log in and verification



Verify your email address

In order to access your account for the first time you must first verify the email address provided when creating your account.

  1. You will receive an email shortly after completing the sign up process
  2. Click the verification link in the email
  3. Log in
  4. If you did not receive the verification email, check your SPAM/Junk folder and filter. If you can not locate the email, you can request another verification email by completing the Resend verification email form. This will resend your welcome email which includes all information required to verify and activate your account.



Reset your password

If you forgot your password (or simply need to change it), we can send you a link to reset it.

To reset your password:

  1. Enter your email address into the Reset your password form
  2. Check your inbox for an email to reset your password
  3. Click the link in the email and enter a new password

Once you reset your password, you'll need to update it on all of your devices (if you use more than one device to access Countdown to Pregnancy).



Account not found

Most of the time this problem is a simple typo. Be sure you are entering your email address and password correctly.

If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it using the Reset your password form.

Be sure you entering the email address associated to your account. If you can't remember which email address you used, try requesting a password reset using your email addresses (including any emails you may have used in the past).



Update your email address

Keep your account email address current by updating it in your Account settings.

  1. First, be sure you are logged in
  2. Click Account settings in the user menu in the top right menu bar
  3. Click the [change] link next to your email address
  4. Enter your new email address in the box and click Save email change

Once you submit this change you will be logged out and your account will be deactivated until the new email address is verified.

You will receive an email at the new email address with a link to verify it. Once confirmed, your account will be reactivated.

NOTE: Updating your email address means you will need to log in using your new email address. This means you may need to update any saved usernames for the site on your devices.