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MARCH CONCEPTION (Maybe) OVULATING Today - Any Cycle Buddies

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Hey lovely TTC Sisters!

Today is my ovulation day! Whoohooo!!! DH and I lastnight and admittedly it was great!! ((blushing)) I'm totally excited that lastnight's BD might have been just in time to catch my ever so elusive egg! Not to take any chances however I hope to ambush him tonight when he gets in! Praying of course he won't be too tired.

Anyway AF is due on 26th March, and I'm looking to group up with anyone due around then to the end of March. Or anyone ovulating today or due over the next few days.

Hook me up! Would love to trade symptoms and chart the next TWW together! Happy BD all!


User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

537 Replies • 12 years ago



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Omg!!! So excited for you Wilson I only get on here to check up on you girls. I'm so excited for you! You have made my day.
Sorry about your up coming surgery Stephen I hope everything goes well.

10 years ago

thank you bauer this time i hope and pray everything is going to be fine its different this time im so sick and tired cant stomach smell of some food and my belly is exspanding already so i cant tell this is my time so excited but yet so nervous for my scan next week but once i see that wiggly little bean on the screen i will relax

10 years ago

hello ladies so had my scan today and everything is perfect thier is not 1 baba but 2 i am so shocked

10 years ago

OMG Wilson!!! That's so exciting!! My twin boys are 11months old!!! You are going to have soooo much fun!! Congrats!!

10 years ago

OMG Wilson you are kidding me! Get out of town! lol Are you serious??? Tears...I'm sooo happy for you hon. Can't believe it. That is such wonderful news. Congratulations my dear, you deserve all the joy in the world. I pray for a health pregnancy for you and your babies, and a safe delivery when the time comes. Thanks for sharing you good news. My heart rejoices with you. Do keep us posted. Looking forward to sharing the experience with you.
Babyplease its good to hear from you! Wow your boys are nearly 1 already? Happy birthday to them both when it comes. They must bring you so much joy.

User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey girls how is the pregnancy going Wilson? I hope all is well. I can't believe you are having TWINS!!!!! Have you thought of any names yet?
Vega celebrated her first birthday on Monday, she is getting big and walking everywhere!
I been on here a lot lately because I was comparing my current cycle with the one from when I got pregnant with Vega. I finally decided a chart wasn't going to tell me if im pregnant so I went out and bought a test today. I'm pregnant AGAIN!! I can't believe it! we weren't even trying. I dont want to make anyone upset because I hate those fertile 's that get knocked up so quick and easy. I just got off the phone with my DH he is shocked! I really don't want to piss any of you off its just so unexpected I am not sure who to tell! For some reason I feel like everyone will be angry with me including my family. I don't know if I should be super excited and celebrate or freak out because it is so soon and unexpected Well my children are a blessing so i guess im getting excited quickly.

10 years ago

hello thank you all so much still in shock that im having twins and wow i do feel it awful sickness and so tired and then my little bump look about 5 months gone ah bauer im so happy for u when will u be due

10 years ago

Hey Bauer:

So good to hear from you and congratulations once again! Girl I need some of whatever you are drinking as clearly you have the genes for making babies! But on a real though no need to apologize I am excited and VERY HAPPY for you. I'm certainly not of one of those kinds who get upset just because others are accomplishing what I don't have. I have the capabilities to do the same so if I want it then I need to go get it. Not hate on folks. So I'm glad you shared your good news with us. I'm delighted you are preggors again. It's amazing as you really wanted a 2nd and now you have the joy of having a 3rd! Well done chica. How is Violet? I'm assuming her streaking days have ended? lol Do you want a boy this time? I hope you get one.
Wilson how are you and your little ones doing? Something tells me you're having boys but you wanted girls right? Wouldn't it be great if you had one of each?

Well not much happening on this side. I went ahead with my planned myomectomy surgery to remove the fibroid 3weeks ago so now I'm at home recovering. I can't wait to be totally healed so I can start trying again. But until then there isn't any happening this side. but I'll be ok. Still hopeful for a 2014 conception

User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

10 years ago • Post starter

hey steph im not to bad just terrible sick and so tired but on the up side ive passed the 3 month mark im not sure what i have once they are both healthy glad to here ur procedure went well hope u recover quickly so u can get knocked up be nice for us all to be knocked up the same time it happens quickly for u

10 years ago

Wilson: I know right wouldn't that be great. Well I'm keeping hope alive for that. Good to hear you're doing well. Well done on making it to the 3months mark Sorry about your feeling sick and tired. It'll be all worth it when they get here. I'm super excited for you and can't wait for their birth. You starting thinking of names yet? Will it be a December birth?

User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

10 years ago • Post starter

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