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MARCH CONCEPTION (Maybe) OVULATING Today - Any Cycle Buddies

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Hey lovely TTC Sisters!

Today is my ovulation day! Whoohooo!!! DH and I lastnight and admittedly it was great!! ((blushing)) I'm totally excited that lastnight's BD might have been just in time to catch my ever so elusive egg! Not to take any chances however I hope to ambush him tonight when he gets in! Praying of course he won't be too tired.

Anyway AF is due on 26th March, and I'm looking to group up with anyone due around then to the end of March. Or anyone ovulating today or due over the next few days.

Hook me up! Would love to trade symptoms and chart the next TWW together! Happy BD all!


User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

537 Replies • 12 years ago



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Awww..... I'm sorry to hear that Alexa. Just know you got a shoulder if you need one.

Wilson I'm soo happy for you hon! I feel so good it's like it's me! It's fair to say that you are officially knocked up! Whoohooo!!!

It'll be me, Alexa and all those who didn't get any bfp this month, next cycle.

AF hasn't showed up yet, but I have been getting mild cramps and tender nipples. Now I know what you ladies talk about with sore bbs, as well as my nipple area is very tender to touch. I'm taking it that's my sign that AF is coming. I think I might have worked out my af day too early. As usually my lutheal stage is 12days so yesterday made 12, so af is officially due today not yesterday. So lets see if she appears. I guess she will as she's never late.

Eden how is it going sweetie, any futher developments? Doing good thanks, yeah I was busy yesteday booking our vacation for next month. lost a whole day trying to sort it out. Still need to book flights just hope to knocked those out early in the am and that wil be end of that.

Imosier: You're in my thoughts hon, hoping you guys will make it through this season ok.

How is everyone else doing? to everyone else remaining to test!


User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

12 years ago • Post starter

Thanks for the support guys. Hubby has gone thru something like this before..kinda like a depression out of nowhere a bout 2 years after we started dating and he went to the Dr and got some meds and it took a few weeks but he came around. I'm hoping that's all it is again. He holds so much inside and it takes forever for me to get him to talk.

Steph-I had really sore nipples my last cycle for like 10 days so I know your pain....that was the first time I've ever had them and this cycle I have nothig....not even sore bhai and af is due either today or Wednesday...

User Image User Image ii

12 years ago

the is comming . my bbt has dropped to 98.3 ill post a picture after i get the kids off to school and what not. Sorry Alex that sucks. If I get pregnant next month my babies will have the same birthday. although it would suck if I went into labor on my DD's 2nd birthday. to wilson and Eden and I hope you both have especially you Eden I hope the doesnt come. Steph are you taking another test; 10 DPO is very early? I thought AF came yesterday but it was just CM. My Poor DH we haven't in almost a week because I have been sick and finally I felt better yesterday and Scarlett wouldn't go to sleep without me because of her teeth is going to come and he will have to wait even longer. Who has to test still? Next month I think I'm going to use Soft cups but I need to figure out some way to put it in without DH knowing because he finds it really offensive like im saying his boys cant swim.

12 years ago

omg alexa!! thats horrible I can totally relate to ur feelings this darn is sooo disrespectful at times *sigh

Bauer, sorry about the bfn chica


Steph, glad to know that everything's ok on ur end

AFM, my lines faded and faded till this morning i got a bfn, i'm not as disappointed as i thought i would be though, i'm still in high spirits
on to the next cycle i guess, just waiting for the

Hope we can all have each other for the next cycle!! you girls are the BEST


User Image Me: 23 DH: 30 Married: June 2010 ttc#1 - lets make it happen! where are you sticky bean? Need a

12 years ago

Wilson congrats on graduating to the pregnancy site and I hope we all see you over there soon.
Eden and Alexa I'm sorry
Steph Just be happy your not BFing sore nips suck when your nursing a baby to sleep for like 25min. I get em every month right around O I have read to take calcium and magnesium for it But you have to take it before it starts and I always forget to buy that stuff until its too late and im in pain. are you starting an April Conception... Maybe? thread
imosier Sorry hun its nice that your DH is so supportive I tried for a little over 2 years for my first and my DH didn't seem to care at all because he already has a kid with someone else. I felt all alone trying and he acted like all my efforts were stupid. He refused to see a doctor with me and says I am the problem not him.When I went to the doc alone they acted like I was some sort of prostitute and tested me for a bunch of STD's then gave me birth control? How the hell is birth control going to help me conceive? I wish our baby was his first baby it just makes everything complicated.

12 years ago

hey u guys hope you al have ur soon im so excited just been back from the doctors and its confirmed i am offically pregnant am due 9th of december so so so excited just need my little bean to stick and get bigger and stronger thank u guys for all the support over the last few weeks wouldnt have got true my tww if it wasnt for ye and i will still be checking in everyday till i see you guys on my countdown to pregnancy :)

12 years ago

wilson, i hope we all join you on the pregnancy site soon!!! hon what dosage of soy did you use by the way?? and what days did you take it?

Bauer, all of that must have been so hard to go through with ur hubby and all *sigh*

bear Hugs to everyone else


User Image Me: 23 DH: 30 Married: June 2010 ttc#1 - lets make it happen! where are you sticky bean? Need a

12 years ago

CRAAAMMPS!!! AF is coming!;-(((

User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

12 years ago • Post starter

feels so weird now i am so excited but still gonna check in on u ladies each day till u are al on the other site :) eden i took soy from cycle day 5-9 took 120 day 1 160 day 2 and 200 day 4 5 6 it has defo worked anyway :) sending loads and loads of to all u ladies

12 years ago

oh nooooo steph!! on the bright side, i read up on it today and af type cramps are associated with early pg too hang in there hon, we're here for ya chica. how are you holding up??? please update

Wilson, thnx for the info sweedie i may try it next cycle if i can find it on this lame island for sale was supposed to try it this cycle but no matter how hard we hunt, DH and i couldnt find it anywhere uugghhh to you hon


User Image Me: 23 DH: 30 Married: June 2010 ttc#1 - lets make it happen! where are you sticky bean? Need a

12 years ago

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