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No Sperm......

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My partner and I have been ttc for 16 months now. He went for a SA and within 2 days had a phone call from thr dr to say they found no sperm, not 1, in his semen. He has to go again in April to see if there is any change or if they made a mistake. Has anyone been through this or similar? Really need some help on this

Nats xxx

User Image TTC#2 DD-3 DP-32 Me-24

2329 Replies • 12 years ago



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I had wondered also if the soy carried over to the next cycle also since this month, O was a couple days later than pre-soy cycles. I am 7dpo now with super sore nipples an boobs around them. Also have diarhea and my intestines are churning and have crazy gas for some reason. This is a new occurance. Wonder if this is a good sign???

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11 years ago

Thanks Mel, I am excited about my tattoo as well!
Stillfun, sorry about your due date, I am sure it was difficult for sure.
I have a soy question for you all, I am on CD 23 and have had partial ferning for the last 3 out of 4 days. The last time I did I was PG, not feeling symptoms that I really would think yup I'm pregnant.... so what are your thoughts? It may just be the soy or not, don't want to even say it out loud that there is a possibility and then be disappointed yet again. My last cycle on soy was in December and that was when I got pg so maybe soy works for me??

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11 years ago

Hoping! That sounds great, I have things crossed for you hun :)
Anastasia - Not sure about the ferning thing but i do remember you had it last time too! What DPO are you? I allways got ferning just before AF but.
Still no pos OPK but BD today :) im thinking i will o later in the week maybe Tuesday, i got my BBT dip before O yesterday and thats usually 3 days before O

Me 28 - DP 30 HSG all clear, very high AFC 42 SA 27million on Menevit,2% Normal Mild Teratospermia Been TTC since June 2011 Aug 2012 10dpo 10 weeks little boy Trisomy 16 Jan 2013 9dpo CP July 2013 1st round of Tamoxifen 20mg Ovidrel trigger and 4 pregnyl booster shots IVF November 2013 6 eggs collected, 5 Fertilized normally, Transferred 1 beautiful compacting 3 day morula, froze 4... FET Feb 2014 4DP5DT, Beta 11DP5DT 647 User Image

11 years ago

Stillfun, I had positive opk day 16 so I could be 8dpo or there abouts. Today I have tons of sticky creamy cm and cervix is super high and kinda tilted back. Hmmm..... still don't feel all to convinced though, could be the soy. I also have tiny patches of ferns here and there. My last 3 cycles have been 26 days, 33 days and 28 days and I am on CD 24. I have had ferning before AF too, so it could be coming early. I guess I will just have to wait it out.

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11 years ago

Well, 9 dpo today. tested BFN this morning with was my last one so now I wont be tempted to check every day. (Unless I talk myself into going to walmart one day, which is likely :) ). Gas is gone but boobs are still crazy sore and feel like they are burning today. I'm starting to wonder if we should just throw in the towel.....but on the upside, I finally found a great house that I am in the process of buying now!

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11 years ago

hoping don't give up, I think we all have moments like that, but come around again to keep trying. Isn't 9 dpo too early to test anyways??
AFM no pg symptoms, thinking I am out this cycle and maybe no more soy until I am totally straight with my cycles again. Good news though my dh will be home more often now and that should help up the chances for sure, until he goes away for school. But we won't know when that is just yet. Anyone have suggestions for libido for him?? Its still difficult for him since the low t he does not always have the desire even with my outfits and all. It is a blow to my self esteem sometimes even though I know it has nothing to do with me, it's just I have worked so hard over the last year to lose weight and get in shape. I have lost 6 dress sizes and 42 lbs!!!

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11 years ago

I think my Dh has low T a little too. We have started viagra lately and it helps keep things going. 9 DPO may be a little too early to think I am out, but I am impatient. I am CD24 today and still have a good bit of thick white CM. (I usually get watery before AF) and still have sore boobs with a crampy feeling today.

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11 years ago

Good luck Anastasia and Hoping!! Both of your symptoms sound good so far. And Hoping, that's exciting that you are buying a house!! Anastasia, wow, you've lost a lot of weight! I'm hoping my sailing trip will help kickstart my getting into shape.

And sorry, I don't have any suggestions for low libido...though I know there are tons of herbal things you can try. I just don't know which ones are really good. I think Maca is supposed to be good? I have my hubby taking it on and off - it's supposed to help sperm I think too. I can't remember now though - we're taking too many supplements to keep it all straight!

AFM, I'm just waiting for O and trying to get regular BDing in - CD 6, 10, and 11 so far. Aiming for CD13 (tomorrow) and 14 if possible. Started taking Robitussin a few days ago but I'm a bit worried it's making my CM too thin. Seems really watery so far, but I'll keep taking it and see what happens. Might have to scale back and not take as much next cycle.

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11 years ago

Hi Girls!
Very quickly just say O day today so will BD tonight! Already booked DH in LOL EDD is his Bday so hope it works out :)

Me 28 - DP 30 HSG all clear, very high AFC 42 SA 27million on Menevit,2% Normal Mild Teratospermia Been TTC since June 2011 Aug 2012 10dpo 10 weeks little boy Trisomy 16 Jan 2013 9dpo CP July 2013 1st round of Tamoxifen 20mg Ovidrel trigger and 4 pregnyl booster shots IVF November 2013 6 eggs collected, 5 Fertilized normally, Transferred 1 beautiful compacting 3 day morula, froze 4... FET Feb 2014 4DP5DT, Beta 11DP5DT 647 User Image

11 years ago

Fingers crossed for you stillfun! That would be a great b-day pressie!

I think it might be O day for me tomorrow. OPK came out just slightly fainter than the control this afternoon and I'm getting O pains. Might be faint b/c I drink so much tea and water? Anyhow, need to try to get hubby to BD again tomorrow night...he's starting to feel worn out and used though, lol.

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11 years ago

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