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6DPO and going crazy, anyone else?

Hey Ladies!

I'm new to all of this, but have become a stalker. 6dpo today, had a .4 temp spike this morning. Trying not to read to much into it. Anyone else in the TWW due around 03/24. This is worse than waiting for christmas I think!

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292 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hi Skpheonix!

I'm 11dpo and my EP is 3/21. I'm not testing unless it's late. At least that's what I tell myself lol!

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8 years ago

Hi there im kel or mummyonemorexo, and I have been trying to conceive since nov.ive had no problems with getting pregnant in the past in fact i have six but want 1 more as i have a new relationship and we have 2 daughters and he wants to go fr a son.i in fact dnt mind.i really tried hard this cycle and the other cycles i was absolutely pos i was going to be preggers but no .one factor holding me back is my age but im not taking this seriously as i know plenty of women that go n strt having bubs at my v age .im 42 in april.i have 3 boys n 3 girls 12 pregnancies all up .so ive had quite a bit of experience in pregnancy. I am d6po as of midnight .so im going to sleep now to catch 3 hrs fr temp.uts the frst time i am charting bbttemp. Please keep in touch and tell me about urself.i cramp alot and been peeing heaps gassy 4 a few days but im strting to feel over this whole caper of trying..cant wait to see how it turns out fr us xxx sticky dust ur way.i definitely ov and have reg ov and af each cycle.all looks good.just waiting now argggggh.i hate this.bye fr nowxo

8 years ago

I'm 7dpo and had a temp spike yesterday but it was followed by a temp dip today so super confused too
Do you have any other symptoms?

8 years ago

Hey ladies!

Good luck to all! I'm in the same boat! Not due till 03/24, I keep telling myself to wait, but then I start checking for FRER costs LOL, I WILL WAIT I WILL WAIT. I just broke down crying because work is ordering food from my fav place, and I've been dying for one of their salads, not 10 minutes later getting nauseous! Seriously, but that could be due to the vitamins I just took. Lets check in daily and compare notes! I saw gassy,. yep there too for the last 3 days! I'm giving the hubs a run for his money :)

My name is Sarah btw.

kerzie: For your dip, did it go Way down? From what I understand, It could still go back up. Hate to say it, but keep charting! another couple of higher days and you could be all Good! I'll be interested to see where you go over the next few days!

As for my symptoms I'm all over the place, nausea, gas, EXHAUSTED, food is wierd right now, and if I go to the bathroom any more, i might as well move my office in there! kinda crampy and headaches (mild) almost every day. Cm has been milky. But alot of this could just be in my head. BB's are starting to feel full. But again since this is all I'm thinking about, i could by psyching myself out!


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8 years ago • Post starter

Hey there!!

Good luck to you ladies!

Symptoms today so far is dry feeling in my throat-The thirst is definitely real. A little gassy but not as much as previous days. Boobs are more heavy and full than sore. Anything else, I'm not mentioning unless it's persistent.

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8 years ago

Hi Demibee! Baby Dust!

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8 years ago • Post starter

Have any of you had quite bad cramps? (Kind of like af and an iui all mixed together) I've had them since a couple of days past o, they are mild in the morning and get quite bad at night. Today they are even causing pain in my back. Apart from that I had pain in my left side groin and right calf yesterday but gone today. I am also spending too much time in the loo and I'm eating way too much. I had two dinners on wed, had to have one before bed so I could stop obsessing about food I have absolutely no symptoms with my boobs.

8 years ago

Hi Kerzie!

I've had little cramps this cycle and I've never had an iui, so I wouldn't know how to compare. Sorry! :(. I hope this is your month! Lots of to you!!

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8 years ago

Good morning ladies! Any updates? Anyone bbt charting? I had a .07 increase but I think it's a bad read? Anyone get new symptoms?

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8 years ago • Post starter

How are you feeling today demibee? When are you planning on testing? Good luck

Sk. Your temps are looking good, I've heard that a steady rise can be good. When are you testing? Good luck

How's everyone else today?

8 years ago

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