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3DPO - Need a TWW buddy...

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Hi, I'm 3DPO ttc my first. This is my first cycle of clomid also. I'd love to have someone to share the dreaded/anticipated tww with!

583 Replies • 11 years ago



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281 - 290 of 583 Replies | Last Page

Well I got my 1st on me OPKs this evening so the dreaded TWW starts AGAIN in few days, and I'm not gonna be testing till the 30th cause I've gotta go for a MRI scan and you can't be pregnant or I wasn't gonna test till AF days but I'm gonna be good like last month and wait xx

11 years ago

I am right there with u! 2dpo! I am going to test on the 27th if I have breast pain again! Its my birthday and it would b awesome present!

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11 years ago

Same here Hun its my hubby's birthday on the 30th aug the day I'm gonna test, would be a fantastic present if I got my then xx

11 years ago

I wish you both lots of sticky baby dust!! Let this be the month!!

11 years ago • Post starter

Time will tell...very annoying time, lol

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11 years ago

I'm not holdin my breath anymore lol, I'm doin everything I should be so we will c xx

11 years ago

I am a couple days behind you guys CD 10 today. GL!! Crossing my fingers for all of us!

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11 years ago

sorry I have been out ladies..... had a bfp and sadly chemical right after. been trying to clear my mind and start this whole thing over again... I have a big issue....... Im either reading my opk's wrong or I have 2 positives this month and way earlier than expected considering I usually have a 36 day cycle.. will you ladies please look at my image and see what you all think???? im confused and so is my sis in law and I would love the opinion of someone who knows more about opk's than me.. im hoping all of us get our BFP this month!!!!

11 years ago

um, it looks to me like the last one was the darkest positive. my opk stayed positive for 3 days this month. (I also had a chemical last month) and I didn't o til cd18 which is late for me. mine were very confusing too. I had to use my symptoms to pinpoint it better. I can tell u that after researching it myself this month that 2pm is the best time to take an accurate opk because the surge normally takes place in the am and takes a few hours to hit blood stream. personally I would keep bd'ing every other day atleast until opk's have clearly quit being positive or your body tells you you already o'd. other than being off due to chemical or maybe falty tests? try different brand? I am using wandfo this month and actually like them better than the first response ones I used last month. sorry my answers are all over the place but ultimately I say keep testing and keep bd'ing, who cares what dpo u r as long as u didn't miss your window of fertility!

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11 years ago

Thx mommy1st!!! Least I know I'm not going crazy lol. Baby dust to us all!!! I've perty much said since last month when it happens it happens..... I just hate being confused is all.

11 years ago

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