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For all of us who are out for February

Me 27 Hubs 34 TTC #1 since May 2012 2 rounds with cervical cancer and removals of tissue, high risk hpv + 5 CPs/ early miscarriages 3 failed rounds of Clomid Went to the RE 1 failed round of Femara 1 failed IUI with Femara HSG Clomid + Femara, trigger, IUI- we shall see User Image

595 Replies • 11 years ago



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Aw bama so sorry to her that, fx for march

I'm still trying too so hoping it will maybe happen this cycle, was talking to my cousin last night she has 4 kids, she was saying she never planned any they just happened.... Her and my other cousin seem to just sneeze and they get pg

I'm going to try and not worry too much and late date take its course.....mind you ideally I would love a march baby, my bday is 1st march would be great I think I should roughly be O next sat or Sunday, prob is I'm at a family wedding next Friday and doubt il even have time with my partner on our own all next week for maybe try get a night away at our holiday home beside sea :)

Good luck to everyone

Congrats to those who have been successful

11 years ago

Hopeful- daily MVI is good for anyone :) we are using fertilaid for men due to low T issues and then some other supplements to help with that as it causes poor DH to be very tired all the time

Beatles- I would LOVE twins. We want one of each. I secretly want a girl. Little girls are so much more fun to shop for. I don't usually share names because it seems like when I do someone snatches them up lol. I like 2 names though like Ava Grace or Emma Grace, I think though Allie Kate will be it for a girl or something with Kate or Katherine in it as that is an important family name on both sides. I want a big family. DH has 2 children from a previous marriage a boy and a girl, but I want my own too. Naturally cause they'll hit the genetic lotto if they are from me lol. :)

Me 27 Hubs 34 TTC #1 since May 2012 2 rounds with cervical cancer and removals of tissue, high risk hpv + 5 CPs/ early miscarriages 3 failed rounds of Clomid Went to the RE 1 failed round of Femara 1 failed IUI with Femara HSG Clomid + Femara, trigger, IUI- we shall see User Image

11 years ago • Post starter

Beatles- This is great suggestion!! I would like one of each. DH wants one of each too but I know he would spoil a little girl like crazy!! Anything she wanted he would get for her! I would be happy with 2 kids but I would also be happy with 3 or 4!!! We have already settled on 2 names if it was a boy. DH is Greek so we are thinking Spirro or if we go nonGreek Alexander and call him Zander. If it is a girl we are thinking Lily!

~Lacey~ DH-30, Me-27 DS-Jackson born 7/6/14-12 days early due to gestational hypertension. User Image

11 years ago

Oohh Beatles...I love this game!
We definitely would love to have at least two kids...but at the rate we are going we would be thrilled with one! We would like one of each and there's a part of me that hopes for twins. I am a twin and have loved every minute of it! If we didn't have twins and had to choose between having a boy or girl first I would love to have a girl first! DH says he wants a boy first because as of right now there are no grandsons on his side of the family and he wants to be the first to have a But secretly, I think he would like a girl also because he would love having a daddy's girl. As for names...for a girl we pretty much can agree on everything. We both like Hadley Marie and Stella Marie and also like Alyson Marie. For boys...we have no clue and can't agree on ANYTHING. LOL!

11 years ago

beatles - yay for fun games! I would love to have twins. If we don't have twins, I would love to have my kids as close together as possible. My brother and I are only 14 months apart and are really close. My mom also said it was much easier having them closely together because you do everything at once (we potty trained at the same time). A boy and a girl would be amazing. I would have as many as 4 children, but my hubby says 2 only, haha. He keeps saying that his children will all be boys (rolls eyes). We have a boy's name picked out. Robert Ray. I've wanted Robert for a name since I was a little girl (after my wonderful grandfather) and Ray is my dad's name. Robert is also dh's dad's name so he loved the name Robert too. We can't seem to agree on a girl's name. Eleanor is my favorite name for a girl. I also like Kelly.

Endometriosis, mycoplasma infection, MTHFR, PAI-1 gene mutation, prone to tubal blockages, low progesterone, infertility, recurrent miscarriage; DH low morphology IUI rainbow baby born 08/15 (after 31 months ttc) TTC #2 Cycle 1

11 years ago

Hopeful, I bought fertilaid due to hubbys low motility. His Dr said it was good to use, he gave us this whole handout on what vitamins and nutrients you should be looking for. You can easily google the best products to enhance male fertility.

11 years ago

Thanks ladies for your advice on supplements for the DH!!

11 years ago

want 2 children (DH only wants 1 because he has1 already). I really want a girl first then boy/girl after. I wanted to have one in March and one in August for me and DH's brays but I'll take them whenever they decide to come.

I like the name Evangelyn Anita after my mom and DH's mom ( their 2nd names). Eva for short. Evangelyn means bearer of goodness and Anita means grace. I haven't shared my names with DH as yet. Waiting till we get pregnant.

11 years ago

Hey ladies

Wondered if anyone could give me some advice, I had weird bleeding last Friday for 36hrs started over night and only small amounts on pad but u could see it when I went to loo, when I wiped (sorry TMI) it was clear jelly like with streaks of red, there were a few lumps too. I done a test though was bfn, my boobs are sensitive and I am really emotional. My cousin rang me today screaming at me for no reason I burst into tears (not like me at all) had to walk out of work an hour early too annoyed. Is it possible that I could be pg and I should do another test?

My head is totally melted right now had an awful day just going to crawl into my bed and pull duvet over my head until the morning

11 years ago

Hello All! I am new to this forum. DH and I have been TTC for 3 months. I have Lupus so I knew this might be a looooong road, but I am really hopeful and trying to have fun BD. lol. I am CD 3, after a devestating evap line after I was three days late this last cycle. I am taking prenatals with folic acid, and this month I am using OPKs as a tool to be sure I am actaully ov when I think that I am. I have also made the promise to myself that I will NOT POS before 14 DPO this cycle. I just cannot go through that again. DH is fabulous, but he has a hard time understanding what it's like going through these things with MY body. I am glad I found this site! All you ladies are really inspiring me!

11 years ago

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